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Tuesday, June 3, 2008 

Nintendo Wii - The Real Game Console


The Wii game console coming from the home of Nintento is the fifth home video home game console coming in the row and a direct successor to the Nintendo Game Cube. Nintendo released the new Nintendo Wii game console targeting xbox 360 from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 from Sony. The attractive feature of the game console is Wii Remote, the wireless controller that can be used as a handheld pointing device that can detect acceleration in three dimensions. Another feature is the WiiConnect24, which has the ability to receive messages and updates through the Internet in standby mode. It was in 2004, that Nintendo first opened up on the idea of the console and it was later unveiled in 2005.Nintendo announced the release infor...more

xbox Game Reviews - Ninja gaiden black

...t race that fought against the force of evils. Ryu Hayabusa is one of the descendants of the Dragon clan. The Dragon clan possessed two magical items: the Dragon sword and the Dark Dragon Blade. The Dragon sword has been passed down to Ryu Hayabusas family from generation to generation. However, the Dark Dragon Blade was made from the bones of great evil black dragon, and it possessed g...more

xbox 360 Repairs - Find Out The Truth About xbox 360 Repairs Here

...Over the last couple of months there has been a lot of discussion online and in the news about Xbox 360 Repairs. I have written this article to tell you a bit more about Xbox 360 Repairs and also give you some knowledge as to why you may run into problems in the first place!

The main reason that there are so many places offering Xbox 360 Repairs is because so many of these consoles suffer from the three red lights of death.

For those of yo...more

One Year Later, Is the Playstation 3 Still An Option For Me?

...On November 16th, Playstation 3 celebrates its first birthday. The newest addition to the Playstation family officially became one year old, and despite an admittedly slow start, business is definitely on the rise. According to a report by GameDaily, PS3 sales have reached 5.6 million units worldwide, out of which 2 million of those sales came in North America. As part of Sony's strategy to increase their market share, it plans to release around 160 new Playsyation 3 title before the end of the fiscal year.

But when it comes to us, the game console users, a fair question to ask is; is the PS3 still worth for me?

There are many features to the Playstation 3 that have many saying "I want it" With its Boasting Blu-Ray and up to a 60 Gigabyte of hard drive, PS3 is moving ahead to become the gaming system that will be sitting...more

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