Thursday, March 6, 2008 

The Ultimate Fighting Championship

ufc is the ultimate fighting Championship, the best Mixed Martial Arts organization in the world. ufc is the trucker cage match that somehow got on TV. ufc is every bit as much MMA as PRIDE is.


ufc also is growing as a pay-per-view ticket, breaking some boxing (and pro wrestling) records and soon to break them all. UFCs Dana White might be out to take over the MMA world, but hell have to do it without the services of one of the biggest names in the sport. ufc: ultimate fighting Championship ufc is the main fighting group in the United States for the presentation of the ultimate fighting Championship. ufc is the ultimate fighting Championship, the best Mixed Martial Arts organization in the world. Could the best pound-for-pound fighter in the old combat sport (boxing) handle a champion in the new combat sport (UFC).

With the ever expanding number of cards the UFC is putting on each year it would still hurt to lose a guy you can put on a PPV with name recognition. The ufc is without any real competition (baring the PRIDE deal falling through) and isn't in the position to have to overpay for a fighter, albeit recognizable, who has now lost to Kalib Starnes in addition to Anderson Silva and Jason McDonald. The good thing is that ufc is expanding its programming on SpikeTv. With a cable television deal with Fox sports Net and now Spike TV, and legalization of MMA in California, a hotbed for MMA fandom, the ufc is currently undergoing a remarkable surge in popularity, along with heightened media coverage. Boxing is dead not just because boxing is worse than ever -- which it is -- but also because the ufc is better than boxing on all but boxing's best day. The ufc is spreading globally -- but that's not the TV breakthrough, either. Basically, the ufc is everything boxing should be. MMA in the ufc is now more of a sport- not ultimate fighting- if you get my meaning.

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Anyone for a Hoodia Chocolate Shake?

Great news! They are now making shakes with Hoodia!

With Hoodia gordonii now generally accepted by everyone in the weight reduction business as the safest weight loss herb ever from the viewpoint of effectiveness and lack of side effects, it was only a matter of time before the massive confectionary industry saw scope for cashing in on its commercial potential.

And why not? With over half the women in the US now labeled as overweight or clinically obese a drink that is both appetite satisfier and appetite suppressor is an interesting concept.

Sadly, the original consumers of the plant did not have the good fortune to have access to flavorsome chocolate shakes in their austere environment. In fact their need to curb their appetite was to render them, not impervious to the temptations of readily accessible confectionery delights, but rather more able to stave off hunger pang consequential to long periods of food deprivation in the desert.

These were the hardy bushman of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa.

It is however hard to imagine the marriage of a herb utilized in such austere and harsh circumstances to the Deep Dark Chocolate and Creamy Chocolate Almond flavors of our present day indulgences. One is left wondering how such shakes are produced, as is claimed, to contain no added sugar, trans fat or lactose, add up to a mere 80 calories, incorporate the somewhat non-flavorsome hoodia gordonii herb but still satisfy the cravings of our current generation of shake and chocolate junkies.

Nonetheless, a spokesman of the Duane Reade stores in the New york claims just that. "We expect excellent reception in the marketplace for retail chains that are looking to upgrade their product lines and expect it will soon be available in many more major chains from coast to coast," claims Arthur low, Vice President, Marketing Communications, Scientific Response.

Tammy Vaserstein, Creative, Principal, MoxieTM adds that the rich, dark chocolate-brown labels convey premium indulgence and beautiful photography of chocolate bars and almonds reflect taste and flavor,"

Yes, indeed, the marketing expertise of the shake industry will undoubtedly effectively persuade consumers that that they can now continue to enjoy their gastronomic excesses without risk of expanding their waistline yet further, using the established success and general acceptance of hoodia as a weight reduction tool.

But, one has to wonder, how will this work? The action of hoodia is to stop you wanting to eat more, not to enable you to eat the same as before but consume fewer calories. Hmmm If they can really make shakes that taste like creamy dark chocolate and deep chocolate almonds one salivates at the very thought of it without added sugar, trans fat or lactose, why add Hoodia?

Do they really want their consumers to realize half way through their shake that their appetite is now satisfied and they dont want any more? Or does the name hoodia now conjure up an image of a low calorie food that one can eat as much of as they like and not put on weight?

I hope not, because that is not what hoodia is all about

Ian Finlayson is the Webmaster and author of a number of websites and innumerable articles on medicinal and culinary herbs. More information on hoodia effects, side effects and products may be found at his hoodia gordonii weight Loss website at

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The Console War Three Decades and Counting

With the recent release of Microsofts xbox 360 and the upcoming releases of Sonys ps3 and Nintendos Wii, gamers a like are becoming more aware of the fierce competition and tactics used by these three major players of the video gaming industry.

It all began in 1972 with a unit you may remember Magnavox Odyssey. While Magnavoxs efforts were short lived, they are still remembered to play a heavy role in the establishment of the home-based video game console. Of course Atari was next in line with a new and back then evolutionary game PONG. As simplistic as the game was, it was loved by consumers worldwide and helped launch Ataris name into the big books.

The newly created gaming industry was gaining strength and the general consumers interest. However as 10 years passed the video gaming industry was about to crash. In 1983, consumers criticized the lack of quality console games with the emergence of home-based computers, gamers began to lose faith in the console. Breaking the silence in late 1983, nintendo introduced the Famicon (Nintendo Entertainment System). With the release of the Famicon came the birth of Super Mario Bros. a signatory series to the nintendo brand.

Nintendos dominance was challenged by sega who entered the market with their Master system. Despite Segas efforts, their Master system barely captured any market share and made little profit. The company refused to face defeat and soon there after released the Mega Drive/ Genisis in 1988, two years before Nintendos release of the Super Nintendo (SNES).

Moving along, the video gaming world became divided into the 32-bit vs. 64-bit machines. The first wave of systems that entered the market was the 3DO and Ataris Jaguar. While both systems were powerful for their time, neither was able to outperform sega or nintendo who both dominated the market until 1994. On December 3 1994, Sony launched its Playstation system and enjoyed a successful launch. nintendo followed 2 years later with their 64-bit offering, the nintendo 64. Even at this stage nintendo made the controversial decision of releasing a cartridge based system arguing that it would reduce load times and minimize piracy.

sega fought back one last time in 1998, releasing the dreamcast. While Segas efforts were strong, the company failed to make ends meet when Sony released the successor to their first console the ps2 (in 2000). In 2001 nintendo released its gamecube targeting a younger market. Both companies had established their own brands and proved themselves to the gaming community. Sonys system was challenged in 2001 when Microsoft entered the arena with their xbox.

We are currently in a new generation of console gaming. While Xbox 360 is currently available the ps3 and Wii are due to release later this year. Previously, Sony dominated in market share, however this is forecast to change with the new generation of gaming. More than ever it is critical to offer the greatest innovation, greatest power and most of all the greatest games.

So who will dominate the market this generation? This is difficult to answer, however as a gaming enthusiast, I strongly believe that competition between the three companies ultimately means better games for you the gamer.

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