Wednesday, January 16, 2008 

What Are The Side Effects Of Quitting Smoking?

Another name for side effects of stopping smoking is withdrawal symptoms. And then there are side effects from the stop smoking aids depending on the individual and their addictions, which are used while trying to lessen the withdrawal symptoms. Fortunately, there are very few stop smoking side effects.

In fact, smokers who give up smoking become healthier while living longer as compared to those who fail to do so. They only have to battle a brief period when they give up smoking -- the period when the withdrawal symptoms are most prominent, a time when they feel anxious, irritable, confused and depressed. They may also suffer from a slower heartbeat, increased appetite, and weight gain. However, all these can be controlled through proper counseling and exercises.

The reason for the withdrawal is the body demanding for its supply of nicotine. When going cold turkey, this period can range from 72 hours to two weeks of intenseness and pain, with the amount depending on the smoker and their addiction. The nicotine replacement therapy is especially useful in reducing the side effects as it feeds this hunger for nicotine.

The patient can use nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, or nicotine patches to release small quantities of nicotine in the bloodstream to lesson the urge to smoke. Because the body is given this drug, it lowers depression and improves well being. They can also use alternative therapies like Tai Chi, Qi gong, or Yoga to relieve stress and make life without cigarettes more bearable. Another possibility is the use of laser therapy that releases endorphins in the blood stream, making an individual feels better.

The 60% smokers who are most prone to side effects are those who suffer from depression, who usually are requiring extensive counseling and support from family members and friends. many of them are put on Zyban, an FDA-approved drug that helps to reduce the urge to smoke and is also beneficial for treating depression among those who quit.

Known by the name Bupropion, it desensitizes the brain's nicotine receptors, with seizures as its main side effects in less than one in 1,000. Other side effects, such as insomnia, dry mouth, and headaches are usually more common. Another side effect of quitting smoking is weight gain, usually putting on 5 to 8 pounds of weight, which should not be considered a dangerous side effect.

You should remember that smoking is much more injurious to health than gaining weight, which is controllable through exercise, dieting or Yoga. But you can't undo the damage caused by smoking to your health. Your first priority therefore must be to give up smoking as you will feel better, healthier and more energetic in the long run.

Check out for more articles on nicorette gum and smoking.

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Why Every Cycler Needs a Cycle Computer

Today cycle computers can do much more than just track the speed, distance and amount of time each ride takes. However there are certain other features than many of these devices now have included within them and we are going to be taking a look at just what some of these are.

heart monitor
This is ideal if you are someone who likes to know exactly what rate their heart is working at whilst they are out riding. No longer do you have to carry the additional weight of a heart rate monitor on your body instead you can let the computer do it for you. Those computers which come with a built in heart rate monitoring system then allows for additional space on your handlebars, and yet still provides the user with this essential information.

gear information
If you want to know exactly what gear you are in when out for a ride then choose one which comes with this feature as it will display through out the ride what gear you are in on the screen in front of you.

This feature enables the rider to see at what speed they are pedalling and by being able to see this a rider is then able to choose the right gear which will then prevent them from placing to much pressure on their muscles and joints. The easier a person finds it to pedal then the much longer they will be able to ride for. one cycle computer which features this is the Vetta V100 wireless cadence kit.

Split Screen
If you are someone who wants to spend less time whilst out riding having to press buttons in order to see certain statistics or features on your device then why not choose one which comes with a split screen. These particular models then allow you to see not just the speed at which you are traveling but also your cadence as well. There are even some models which include the option for being able to display 4 functions on the screen on your handlebars.

If you are someone who happens to live in an area which is full of various altitudes then purchase a cycle computer which includes this particular feature within the device. This will then allow you to track the altitude at which you are currently traveling and also help to show where you have gained or loss altitude throughout the ride.

Certainly if you are looking for a cycle computer which contains the above features along with such other ones as wireless, thermometer, freeze frame memory and dual bike memory then it may be worth investing in the Vetta V100 wireless cadence kit.

To find out why the Vetta V100 is such a great cycle computer visit

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Serious Tips For Running a Successful Golf Tournament

The following is an interview with Chris Obert. Chris is PGA member and head golf professional at Millwood golf and Racquet Club in Springfield, MO. He has run over 500 corporate and charity related golf tournaments. He knows his stuff when it comes to making people happy on the golf course. I hope you enjoy.

What common mistakes do you see people make when organizing their golf tournament?

They pay too little back to players or to not enough players. Committees can sometimes get caught up on the present event and how much they are raising for their charity and do not stay focused on the future of their event. If they keep future participation in mind and give back to those participating, they will continue to grow their event year after year.

Do you see the same problems with corporate events?

Corporate events rarely have this problem since the host company usually doesnt charge an entry fee and covers all expenses for a wonderful day of golf, food and beverage. At times I have seen corporate events cut corners and not host beverages on the course, this can be a disappointment to clients they are entertaining. If you plan on winning over your current or future customers, dont cut corners. Make a great impression on your clients by giving them a small gift on their cart seat (Preferably a Towel, repair Tool or Sleeve of Balls) with the course logo you are playing that day or your company logo. This always makes a great first impression.

What common threads do you see with events that do well year after year?

Tee gifts, big or small will immediately get your participants attention. But remember this, if do it once, they will expect it in the future. Keep this in mind when deciding how much you want to spend and dont try to over impress every year. Keep the gifts simple and consistently priced from year to year. Make sure to give a gift that will not be left in the cart and thrown away at the end of the event by the course staff while cleaning carts. players will tend to hold on to course logo items, accompany the course logo with your company or charity logo. It will cost a little extra for the second logo, but your items will not be left behind.

Can you typically get what you need at most pro shops?

Yes, you can consult the PGA Professional or Course tournament Director for ideas, pricing is usually better through them since they are making profit on guest fees, food, beverage and gift certificates. Most courses will make only 10-15% or less on these extra tee gifts as a service to you and to keep you returning to their facility for years to come. After the first year, the course will have your logo on file for the future gifts to make this a simple process from year to year.

What is the best time of year for groups to hold their event?

It is very important to contact your desired facility to book your event before the first of the year. Most courses that host events will book up prior to the end of January. Expect to have a Monday event day if you choose a private facility. If you are starting a new event, it is best to get into a good facility and be less demanding on the date, rather than allowing your exact date to determine the course. In the years to follow, you can advise the Professional or tournament Director that you would like to move your event to a different date if one opens. Most courses will have repeat tournaments that will have preference on their date.

Is it that tough to get a date you really want?

Once you establish that you are viable event with good participation (100+ Players) you soon will have the date you desire at a great facility. Once you have established a desirable date at a good course, try to keep it on that same date from year to year so that your participants and sponsors can anticipate it. FYI: Some charities prefer to take early dates in the year so that corporate donations they are looking to acquire will not be depleted. You must contact those companies as soon as you have an established date, time and location to best achieve your charity goals.

Dan Boever is a highly sought after golf entertainer and 11-time world Long Drive finalist who has traveled the country for the past 10 years performing power trick shot shows for over 600 of America's largest companies and charities. Dan has been featured on CBS, ESPN, The golf Channel and has been in 8 national television commercials for Pinnacle golf. Dan also appeared in the New Line Cinema movie "Hoot", released last May. For more information about Dan and how you can energize your next golf event with Dan's one of a kind golf exhibition go to or view

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