Wednesday, March 5, 2008 

Obesity and Birth Control Pills

The first face - The failure of birth control pills

A recent study has found that overweight or obesity increases the chances of pregnancy while using birth control pills. Gynecologists say that birth control pills (also known as oral contraceptives) have not enough effect on overweight or obese women. Overweight (BMI 25 to 29.9) women have 60% and obese (BMI 30 or more) women have 70% more chances of pregnancy than normal weight (BMI 18.5 to 24.9) women while taking oral contraceptives regularly. For women who missed oral contraceptive, the risk of pregnancy more than doubled compare to overweight or obese women. Study says that out of hundred overweight women taking the oral contraceptives, five got pregnant while only three out of hundred normal weight women who take oral contraceptives got pregnant each year.

The reason of failure of oral contraceptives is not clearly known. This is a big research area. They said there are several possibilities for failure of oral contraceptives in obese women.

The hormones in oral contraceptives are soluble in fat which is in enough quantity in obese women. Due to this, fat hormones dissolve in fat rather than entering the bloodstream.

Metabolism is also a major cause. The basal metabolic rate increases according to body weight; more the body weight, more basal metabolic rate. The increase in metabolic rate decreases the duration of medication effect. This is the also one of the causes due to which oral contraceptives do not work.

Due to obesity, there is an increase in liver enzymes which help metabolize the hormones in oral contraceptives.

Nowadays the hormones level in oral contraceptives is reduced by five times than first introduced.

Circulating blood volume in obese women is greater than normal women in which the steroids are transported. Fat cells may sequester steroids. Obese women also metabolize steroids in different way than normal one.

Now the real question arises. Should overweight women who dont want to risk an unplanned pregnancy should take more oral contraceptives or higher dose oral contraceptives or not? Gynecologists say it is not necessarily because overweight or obese women have more chances of cardiovascular disease risk factors than normal weight women. They suggest that obese women who completed childbearing use some permanent form of birth control such as tubal sterilization.

Obese women who want to be pregnant may use condom or other methods. Another method for obese women suggests that first they should lose their weight, and then plan to use oral contraceptives. For weight loss, obese women can use weight loss diet pills, natural supplements, exercise, yoga and other weight loss programs. through exercise losing weight takes more time which is not considerable for women. For quick weight loss they can use weight loss diet pills.

The second face- Birth control pills- Reason of obesity

Gynecologists say that birth control pills (oral contraceptives) may have many side effects; one of them is weight gain or obesity. Most of the women get five pounds weight after taking oral contraceptives. Normally women get weight after few days or a month from starting of taking the pills. In most of the cases, women gain weight who do not take oral contraceptives in the last half of their menstrual cycle; this is due to hormonal changes. This is also important to know why women get obese by taking oral contraceptives. Reasons for this are as follows.

Due to oral contraceptives, the level of metabolism alters. This is because both the estrogen and progestin present in these pills can cause fluid retention, a temporary effect that often begins in the first month as a result of an increase in sodium. The cause of weight gain (increase of hips, breast, or thigh) is due to estrogen.

Oral contraceptives contain progestin which cause increase in appetite and permanent weight gain.

Pills administered for depression may also be the cause of weight gain.

Women who get weight due to oral contraceptives may loose weight through weight loss diet pills, natural supplements, exercise, yoga and other weight loss programs.

For more information on weight loss diet pills visit:

Author is the webmaster of which gives valuable information on weight loss diet pills.

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Short Sided Round Robin Format for Basketball and Soccer

The computer age has bestowed some unforeseen blessings on the sports world. Math whizzes are now using the personal computer to track game results to a level never before possible, and sports are the better for it. The book "Moneyball" chronicled the way Billy Beane, general manager of the Oakland Athletics used obscure statistical analyses to scout and deal for talent. now, a variation of this method has spilt over into basketball with a number of NBA teams using statistics in a similar manner. These methods were described in a recent sports Illustratedarticle titled Measure of Success. Described as simply as possible, these statisticianstrack how well a team does when a player is on the floor, versus how well they do when theyarent.

These measures disregard a players contribution as represented by their scoring, rebounding and assists totals,and simply asks, "Does the team do better or worse when this player is on the floor?" They also in many casescontradict the conventional wisdom concerning the relative worth of certain players. Jason Collins, a fifth-year center for the Nets of little renown gets ranked as the fourth best defensive center in the league. Conversely, high-scoring Michael Redd of the Milwaukee Bucks issuch a disaster on defense that his teams tend to lose with him on the floor, and win while he is on the bench.

While amateur coaches are sure to find these analyses interesting, is there any way in which theycan employ these metrics for their own use? Amateur coaches might be able to get team assistantsto gather the data needed to maintain these stats, but there is a much better way these conceptscan be applied.

Virtually all teams rely heavily on scrimmage play as part of their practice routine. By adoptingwhat I call a Roster Round Robin format during scrimmage play, coaches can get a much clearerpicture of how and when individual players perform better than others. The format simply requiresthat sides be set to 3v3, 4v4, or 5v5, depending on available players. players are issuedreversible jerseys, and score is kept for each side. Stages are set to 3 or 4 minutes, and atthe end of each stage, a team score is recorded, with each player earning points for themselves on the basis of their team result. Two players are then directed to exchange sides by flipping their reversible jersey, and a new stage is played. This pattern is continued until all possibleroster combinations have been used.

For a 3v3 contest, this would equate to 10 possible combinations, thus requiring a 30 to 40 minutegame. Each player earns a plus/minus score across all stages. As everyone plays under all rostercombinations and points can only be earned on the basis of team results, an individuals resultreflects their team contribution across all stages. In order to maintain game continuity andensure rapid roster rotations, the roster rotations are predetermined and printed on a grid usedfor scoring.

Some may notice that the one thing seemingly not taken into account in this format is positionplay. A roster rotation schedule that disregards position play will likely result in some oddlybalanced sides think 5 guards versus 5 forwards and centers that wouldnt reflect anythingresembling a real-game matchup. This difficulty can, however, be overcome by taking positionsinto account when devising the roster rotations. For a 4v4 game, with players restricted toeither a center/forward or guard position, there would be 9 different roster combinations required.For a full-sided game, a center position could be added, but 18 stages would be required. With three minute stages, this would be a 54 minute scrimmage game. Coaches may wish to splitthis size of scrimmage across multiple practices.

Would the results from any particular scrimmage mean much? For one game, probably not, as we allknow the ball can bounce funny for a time. But if this format were used on a regular basis, theresults should reveal which players are contributing the most to their team. These results willeither confirm or deny a coachs sense of who his best players are, but there are two even biggerbenefits that can come from the use of this format. First, as players come to understand thisas the new measure of their play, they will be more receptive to a coachs instruction on teamplay. As well, players will intuitively respond to the demands of the game, and adjust their playaccordingly. Simply put, the ability to measure team play translates to a better ability to teachand learn it.

The second benefit may be even more important. A system that clearly and demonstrably measuresa player on the basis of their team contribution fosters team chemistry better than any other.The talented offensive player who lets down on defense can be brought to the table when the impactof his lackluster defense can be shown. players who are frustrated because they think theyshould be playing more can either makes their case in the round robin practice, or be showntheyre not there yet. Regardless of the case, team chemistry is advanced.

The only real barriers to this practice format are logistical. Running this practice formatrequires pre-numbered reversible jerseys, and scoring/rotation grid sheets.

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Format Hard Drives

hard drives, or hard disk drives (HDD), are devices that allow you to store a large amount of data. If you do a little research on the technology of the hdd, you will find out that it has not really changed much. The designs they used in the 1980s are very much the same designs they are using now.

The only differences are that the reliability has improved, the capacity of these devices has grown exponentially, the form factor is continually shrinking, and the prices are dropping. Manufacturers do not produce proprietary hardware that can only match another set of products. The storage industry has been very universal.

It is not the hdd that differs, but the operating system (OS). OS is generally the basic software required for the computer to run and manage the system and other applications. These different OS use different file formats. Although there are different file formats, they are generally accepted in your hdd. In order for your OS to recognize that you have a hdd, the hdd has to be formatted in the same format as the OS, or else no matter how large your hdd is, it would be rendered useless, since it would not be seen by your OS. That is the reason why you would have to format a new hdd, because you would have to set the format of the hdd the same as the file format that you are using in your system. There is a software program called an emulator. This software would allow you to run a copy of a different format on top of another format in one hdd. These are usually used by software developers.

It is not common practice for you to format your hard drive over and over again. The only time when it is really necessary for you to reformat it is whenever your OS is encountering irreparable problems or if your computer has been infected by a virus.

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