Friday, February 8, 2008 

A Perfect Golf Swing Completely Controls The Flight Of The Ball

The flight of the golf ball is totally controllable by the impact of the club face and the ball.

For a straight shot the club face must be square to the flight line, traveling straight down said line and have the desired amount of loft as the ball is impacted. The ball must also be struck directly on the sweet spot of the club face and as if that is not enough we need a goodly amount of club head speed to get that perfectly straight flying golf shot.

For many years golf instructors have said that the straight flying shot is the hardest shot in golf to hit since it requires all of the above factors. Due to that most top players either favor a fade or a draw to eliminate erring one way or the other.

this generally works, but sometimes the curvature is either too much, perhaps not enough or still worse a double cross where the intended shot does the opposite of what was planned.

When the golf swing incorporates a rolling over action of the forearms this intentional curvature is definitely needed.

However when the forearms do not roll over through impact it is no harder to hit a straight shot than any other type of shot. As a matter of fact it has long been known that the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line.

Maximum ball compression can only be had with a true straight shot. Any error in path or club face angle at impact lessens said compression. The more compression we lose the more distance we lose for any given club head speed, in other words we can gain substantial distance through perfect club ball contact.

To that end here are the ball flight rules that determine the power, accuracy and shape of the shot.

Straight shot- club face square, traveling straight down the target line with proper loft. The ball will only carry back spin and have no side spin.

Fade- The fade is caused by a club face that is either open to the flight line as the club head travels straight down the flight line or a club face that is square to the flight line but not traveling straight down the flight line and coming from outside it before impact to inside it after impact. The ball will carry a combination of back spin and side spin.

Draw- The draw is the exact reverse of the fade.

Slice- The slice is simply a larger version of the fade, and is often caused by not rolling the forearms to square or a severe out to in club head path. this out to in club head path may also have an open club face creating an even bigger slice.

Hook- The exact reverse of the slice.

Now that you know what causes the curvature you are halfway to fixing it.

Dan Shauger

Dan Shauger is the Master instructor of the aperfectswing golf method. He is assisted up by many accredited instructors both here in the USA and in many countries around the world. He has written 2 books, How to Kill the Ball, and The 21st. Century Golf Swing as well as 6 DVDs on the golf swing with another DVD soon to be released. He also does seminars and clinics.

Dan has trained several champion long drivers and countless golfers who simply wanted to learn an easier on the body yet extremely powerful golf swing. Many of Dan's students are senior players who need increased distance to be competitive or players who simply want more power and accuracy to play an attacking game rather than a defensive one.

His book How to Kill the Ball is soon to be released in a Japanese language version in Japan, this book and his other works will also be translated to many languages to allow everyone the opportunity to learn this method.

Dan is currently accrediting golf instructors all over the world to assist him in teaching this revolutionary method.

Find Dan at

Cl Private Yoga


A High Table Gives You the High You Need

What would the world be like without tables? We eat on tables. We use our computers on tables. We play card games on tables. There are tables in almost every room of our homes. That includes the living room, dining room, basement, and bedrooms. There are tables of all heights. most tables have four legs, though they can have just about any number. Tabletops can be any shape, from round to octagonal. And tables can be made of wood, plastic, marble, or just about any other material the designer can dream of. In particular, life would be flat without a high table.

height Matters
Tables that we use every day are of different height. Tables such as end tables and coffee tables are relatively low. This allows us to easily reach down to pick up our glass of soda or TV remote control. These tables are also proportional to chairs and seats around them. Medium-height tables include those that we dine at, as well as computer tables. If these tables were much lower or higher, using them would be a hassle. Instead, they make it a cinch to type on our computer keyboards or to cut the steak on our dinner plate. Lastly, a high table, such as a bar table, is also at the proper height. It is ideally paired with very tall chairs or stools.

Casual Kitchens
The high table is generally less common than tables of other heights, but it is of equal importance when creating dcor for a home, office, or business. The hustle and bustle of modern life has made dining at home less like a typical Sunday dinner. The image of an uppity butler named Jeeves announcing, "Eh hem...Dinner is served!" has been replaced with our mother, wife, or girlfriend telling us, "Just nuke the leftovers in the fridge!"

A high table, such as a bar table, blends the casual appearance of a breakfast bar, with the formality of a dining room table. These tall tables are the best thing since sliced bread, which you could definitely serve in them.

high Table Help
Granted, you might need to use yoga to fit your whole family around a high table. But a high table's perks outweigh its drawbacks.

* It is the perfect height for bar stools or counter stools, which are all taller than usual stools.

* A trend in many new homes today is the inclusion of a spacious room with a breakfast area. For this function, the high table is a perfect fit!

* Sitting or standing at a high table puts you at the same conversational level. So, your neck will not get a workout while you talk to someone who is standing at the table.

* It is perfect for kitchens areas that combine cooking, eating, and entertaining. In particular, you can talk with the cook without craning your neck.

* A high table can be either casual or formal and can complement any kitchen dcor.

A life without tables would be like a song without words or a chair without a seat. So, be sure to pick a high table that can lift you to the high life!

see how high your high table can take you! Visit now and find furniture you can live with, from high tables to designer bar stools or any of the avant garde bar stools in UK.

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