Friday, January 18, 2008 

Alternative Weather Forecasts and Hurricane Season 2007

From alternative music and media to alternative medicine, we're increasingly offered nontraditional replacements to mainstream methods, institutions and practices. Although conventional approaches serve a purpose, growing awareness of their limitations and flaws impel men to explore along the fringe for new, and in some cases, ancient solutions.

So why not alternative weather forecasts? Present day orthodox forecast techniques lack the ability to accurately predict the weather beyond three or four days. Even with the assistance of the largest weather computer in the world, whose lightning-fast calculations approach about 400 million per second, the results of its three-day forecasts are speculative; its six to seven day forecasts are worthless. According to conventional weather forecasters, this is due to the complexity of atmospheric forces and processes.

What some scientists see as complexity, however, might actually be viewed as simplicity when the frame of reference is changed. Johannes Kepler, the 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, experimented with what today would be considered an alternative forecast method that made long-range weather forecasts possible. Kepler observed that the angular relationships among the planets coincided with the formation of weather systems here on Earth that, in turn, produced storms, droughts, floods, etc. His first brush with fame came not because of his breakthrough regarding the planetary laws of motion but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, germany on ice in 1593. Since the planets move in repetitive cycles that can be known beforehand, he reasoned, the weather induced by them can also be known beforehand.

We can all see the advantages that such predictions could have. accurate long-range weather forecasts would bring enormous benefits to the weather derivatives market, agriculture, transportation, construction, and other industries, not to mention the lives that could be saved through advance knowledge of severe weather conditions.

The Weather Alternative's forecast system is based on Kepler's work and takes a look at hurricane Season 2007. Although no forecast method, be it conventional or alternative, can claim 100 percent accuracy, it is interesting to note the dependability this method offers.

Ken Paone has been working with Kepler's long-range weather forecasting method for about 16 years. His published forecasts have appeared internationally. You can email Ken at Check out the long-range weather forecasts for hurricane Season 2007 as well as the results of his past forecasts at

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Heartburn & Heart Attack Are Not One And The Same - But Cure Them Naturally

In recent years, heart disease has become the leading cause of death and disability in the world. This is despite the tremendous advances in diagnosis and treatment. surgery and drugs are temporary aids and are not adequate to treat all the risk factors that cause heart disease.

heart ailments are now affecting people in younger age groups. The biggest reason is changing lifestyles, high stress, inadequate nutrition, sedentary habits, increased use of tobacco and alcohol, at a younger age. But this can be prevented and perhaps reversed with proper diet and exercise.

Foods To Avoid:

1. Saturated fats red meat, dairy (butter, full fat milk, cream, cheese), poultry and eggs.

2. Foods that have omega-6 polyunsaturated oils like corn, sunflower and safflower. Trans-fats found in margarine, processed foods and baked flour products.

3. All foods that contain sugar and are rich in calories breads, rolls, muffins, cookies, cakes, chips and soft drinks.

Foods To Include:

1.A plant-based diet boosts the immune system. Include a wide assortment of vegetables broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, greens, pumpkin, sprouts, onion, garlic, and fruits (berries, grapes, plums, citrus, apple, pineapple, banana and papaya).

2.Include food rich in vitamins and minerals almonds, walnuts seafood, and whole grains. These are rich in vitamin E, omega-3 fats and contain selenium as well as dietary fibre.


Can include walking, stretching, yoga, and some gentle noncompetitive games. You do not have to walk fast or far, to gain enormous benefits. Moderate exercise for 30 minutes preferable every day or every alternate day, at a comfortable pace will make your immune system stronger and protect against build up of blockages in the arteries. Even a yoga for half an hour could be more useful.

Whatever may be the practices the diet is to be regulated. It is the balanced diet which is helpful to stay away from the heart attack and heart burn.

The author Cher K Markov is not a medical professional and offers this information for educational purposes only. However, one can find more articles on Heartburn Cure and access other Heartburn Cure Treatment at her website.

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6 Ways to Release Stress

We are currently living in a capitalist society where money and power rule. Therefore, many of us have become workaholics and often overlook signs of tiredness in order to stay on track. I am not saying that people should stop working hard to achieve their goals. However, there is a slight problem we do not know how to manage our stress, which is definitely not a good thing! stress has been linked to mental/emotional (depression, anxiety, and anger) and physical illnesses (weakens the immune system). Therefore, it is more than important that you constantly work on reducing your stress level in order to maintain your overall health. The bottom line is, if we are not healthy there is no money or power that will make things better. So, take care of yourself. Below, I have added six stress releasing tips.

exercise: even if you go for a walk for 15-25 minutes four days a week it will help your body to get rid of adrenaline and produce endorphins (a natural tranquilizer). Not to mention you will not only feel better, you will also look the part.

Yoga: many ramble that practicing yoga is the best way to manage or release stress. It focuses on breathing techniques, exercises, connecting with the universe on a spiritual and mental level. If this option seems interesting to you I suggest you do some research in order to learn the principles and decide if it is for you.

Stretch: People often stretch before and after a workout. However, learning stretching and flexing exercises to use as a way to relieve tension on many different areas of the body can help a great deal.

Massage: We all know how massages can help us relax and release tension. prices start around $40 for 30 minutes; it all depends on what extra relaxation techniques you would like to add to the massage such as aromatherapy, oils, etc. There are also different types of massages so this will also affect the price. I actually found a therapist that charges $33 for a 30 minute session. It sounds pretty good to me. We waste money in so many different ways so investing on a massage once in a while will not kill our pockets.

Laugh it off: Rent a funny movie and laugh out loud. Go out with friends or host gatherings. Tell everyone to bring a platter. Remember the key is to release tension not, add to it. Use paper plates and plastic cups to reduce the amount of work.

Take a break- Take time to relax, sleep, and maybe even take a vacation if you can. Your body does not only need it; you deserve it.

Live stress free,

Kenia Morales


You may reprint this article as long as no changes are made without permission and hyperlink is maintained active.

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics" click here to find Kenia's little piece of heaven her inspirational column

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Be the Change You Wish To See

This quote from Gandhi is usually invoked to silence the complainer. You know, if you cant put up, shut up.

Recently, I received the full quote, Be the change you wish to see in the world, at the bottom of an email from my Wednesday night yoga instructor, Tracy. Each time we begin and end a class, we sit in silence and think about our relationship to the natural world and the other creatures in it. Its a good centering activity for remembering our mutual interdependence and our responsibility for shepherding the good in life.

Having this intention during each class helps me to work on the different poses with more concentration and success. And, I leave most classes humbled by my struggle with the physical practice and also the notion that there is so much more I could do to improve life for myself and others.

But then Im quickly back in my usual day to day, regularly noting all of the things that are amiss in the worldour dependence on oil, global warming, corrupt politicians, inequity in health care deliveryand not doing much of anything about it all. Except grouse and complain.

Noticing What Needs Attention
Most days, I take my dogs for a circular four mile walk near our home. We begin and end on dirt roads, but the middle of our walk is along a relatively quiet paved road that connects Hillsboro and Washington, NH. It is a residential area, abutting woods and for the most part very pleasant.

However, months ago, out on my own on a slightly rainy day when I left the dogs at home, I counted over sixty bottles and cans, assorted plastic containers, and other stray articles along the route. The counting was simply an exercise to pass the time and a curiosity to me that this tranquil area could be so heavily trashed when so lightly trafficked. Angry that others could be so insensitive and selfish, I promised myself that I would get back out there within the week to clean up what I had noticed. I did not.

With three leashed pups in tow on subsequent walks, I let myself off the hook for picking anything up. It would be nearly impossible to carry a big trash bag while busy tending my charges. Besides, I would pick up stray plastic six-pack holders, so that a bird wouldnt get its neck caught. And Id also snare pieces of broken glass in the road so another dog or walker wouldnt get cut. I was doing something. But each day I took that walk, I felt a tug of guilt over my failure to follow through on cleaning up the wake of castaways now buried beneath taller grass.

Vindication by Taking Responsibility
There is much in the world that seems outside of our control. By myself, I cant change a culture where so many drivers consider their personal automobile space more important than the natural world. Alone, I cant end teenage drinking. Without everyone agreeing to use fewer disposable products, I cant stop roadside deposits of refuse.

We often complain on a general level that the world is going to pot, but we know to make any more noise would call attention to the fact we havent done much toward fixing the things that need attention. Thats a sneaky, contributing source to apathy. How can we stop intense consumerism, blind disregard for the safety of others or make other accountable for their actions in any meaningful, if we fail to take responsibility for what we see?

I can shake my fist and scream, Dont be such a pig! Because its not my trash, and I obviously care about the natural world. But where does that get me? Once I see what needs to be done, its up to me alone to follow up in any way that I can. If I take action, then I can claim positive contribution and be more at peace knowing that I did make a difference. And then I really can raise a hornets nest of complaint, and urge others to do as I have.

Moving from Complaint to Action
So much of what is out of whack is within our control, if we break what seems large and overwhelming down into smaller tasks or projects. Or simply take responsibility for doing our small part.

It took me twice as long to walk that four-mile loop, when I finally stopped to pick up all the trash Id been noticing for months. My haul was substantial: 60 aluminum cans, 10 whole or broken bottles, 20+ assorted plastic and paper containers, and an ugly pile of other tangible evidence that I noticed and did something about it.

Picking up trash along the side of the road may not seem like much. But every day I take that walk, I enjoy my surroundings that much more knowing that Ive chosen to be an active steward to keep it clean. If I find a new can or bottle in the days ahead, it will be only one I need to pick up to preserve what is beautiful and shared by all.

Where is Your Next Move?
We can choose to buy and consume differently. We can tutor those who need help. We can teach others what we know how to do. We can give our time and money to causes that respond to our sorrow or outrage, and our sense of what the right thing is to create change. Through our actionsboth large and small, we can be the change we want to see in the world.

Each of us notices what needs attention as we move through our days. We really do know what we can do make a difference.

Complacency is easy. What will you do?

2007 Andrea R. Williams

Andrea Williams, personal and small business success coach, is the creator of the Fearless, Fabulous Project, a 12-week, step-by-step discovery and rejuvenation process to help you gain clarity and commitment about what is most important to you. If you're ready to pump your life with more fun & fulfillment, check out Andrea's coaching programs and resources now at and sign up for Fearless, Fabulous Female, her free ezine on personal reinvention at midlife.

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