Thursday, October 18, 2007 

Are You Sure You Know All About the Fiber 35 Diet?

It's hard not to be aware of all the fad diets out there. There's the Atkins diet, the South Beach Diet, the NutriSystem Dietthe list just goes on and on. Other people skip the dieting all together and pop dangerous and ineffective pills in order to lose weight. These solutions might seem to work, but there is, in fact, a better and healthier solution.

The Fiber 35 Diet claims that by simply consuming 35 grams of fiber each and every day, you will be able to lose weight and keep it off. The diet was developed by Brenda Watson, who is a best-selling author, certified nutritional consultant, and naturopath doctor. The Fiber 35 Diet is a popular diet because it not only helps you to lose weight, but improves your health too!

How Does The Fiber 35 Diet Work?

The creators of the Fiber 35 Diet understand that the only proven way to lose weight is to burn more calories every day than you consume. Thus, they have designed the Fiber 35 Diet to work with this concept. The diet provides a system that can be used to calculate the ideal number of calories you should be consuming each day in order to achieve your weight loss goals. The dieter then combines this system with 35 grams of fiber every day, and this is when results are seen.

What Are The Benefits Of Consuming 35 Grams Of Fiber Every Day?

Fiber provides many nutritional and weight loss benefits, which is why the Fiber 35 Diet has been proven to work so well. By consuming at least 35 grams of fiber everyday, it helps to suppress your appetite. This is because fiber has no calories and takes up a larger amount of space in your stomach; thus, it makes you feel full.

Another benefit of fiber is that it promotes the production of CCK, or cholecystokinin, which also helps to make you feel full for longer. The Fiber 35 Diet also promotes effective use of glucose by the body because it slows the rate at which carbohydrates are converted to sugar.

By consuming at least 35 grams of fiber, you are eliminating calories that you have already eaten. Additionally, you are receiving the additional health benefits that come from heating high-fiber foods.

Fiber For Your Health

If your goals are not only to lose weight, but to improve your overall health levels, then you should consider giving the Fiber 35 Diet a try. When you combine a reduced caloric intake with more fiber, you will finally achieve the results that you have been hoping for.

Terry Roberts is a professional translator and linguist, with a wide range of interests. To read more about the fiber 35 diet, and about fiber diets in general, please visit his web page: Fiber 35 Diet: A weight Loss Strategy

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The Complete Beginners Guide To Keeping Snakes

The beauty of keeping reptiles is that once you've set up their caging requirements and learned a few basic skills, there are many species that can be safely and efficiently kept within the home and should live out a full, healthy life.

Fortunately the vast majority of the suitable snakes one might choose to keep, such as corn snakes, king snakes or milk snakes, require very little special treatment and soon become very low maintenace captives.

Quiet, well-behaved, not requiring regular walks and virtually scent-free whilst being unusual and fascinating, snakes can be an ideal pet for today's ever-busy lifestyle.

At it's simplest, a glass fish tank with a specially-sold reptile hood or one of the specially made reptile cages (such as those available from may be used, and these are often available for sale second hand in local papers.

Wooden cages should be avoided unless they are treated so as to avoid any spillage from the water bowl (many snakes like to bathe) and ventilation should be good as moist cages often lead to skin complaints or respiratory problems.

A length of around 30-45 cm is suitable for a hatchling snake whilst an adult will require a length of 60-90 cm so it can stretch out.

The cage should be furnished with one of the reptile-safe substrates such as beech chippings or corn cob granules and should be placed 1/3 - 1/2 over a safe, specially-sold, low-wattage heat mat to gently warm the substrate for the snake.

These cost just pennies to run each day and generate a gentle background warmth for your pet.

In particularly cold situations such as bad weather, during night-time or in a room which doesn't warm up appreciably during the day an additional form of heat is recommended, such as a gauze-encased lightbulb, to warm the warmer end of the cage (the "hot spot") to around 24-26'C.

This temperature should be maintained at one end of the cage throughout the day though this may drop by a few degrees at night without worry of danger to your pet. If using a bulb a thermostat is recommended to enable you to accurately control the temperature and prevent the cage overheating.

A hide should be included as snakes are often quite reclusive and like to hide away for much of the day, showing themselves early in the morning and later in the evening.

This could be a specially-sold reptile hide but I often simply use a box - like an old cereal box - as they're free and easily replaced when they get dirty.

A solid waterbowl - ideally a terracotta dog bowl - large enough for the snake to submerge itself in (bathing is good for the skin) but difficult to tip over should be filled with fresh water and changed daily as in a warm environment plenty of water is likely to evaporate, and in addition many snakes like to deficate in their water bowl.

And apart from some food you're now all set up!

As you can see keeping the smaller, more docile snakes *doesn't* have the break the bank, nor do you these days need to "make do" with substandard products. Companies like ZooMed make high quality, specialist hardware for just this purpose, and make it available for a very reasonable cost.

Now all you need to do is to convince your girlfriend/wife/mother to let you have the snake itself ;-)

Copyright 2006 Richard Adams

Richard Adams is the owner and founder of About Snakes is one of the most popular sources of free reptile information online.

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