Wednesday, March 19, 2008 

Plumbers - Where Are You?

If your looking for a plumber it may have come to your attention that they are becoming increasingly difficult to find. This is especially true in our particular area - Pontefract, Wakefield, Barnsley and Rotherham. This article focuses on the reasons for the shortage of good local plumbers in the Yorkshire area and the problems that our young plumbing apprentices face on the road to becoming qualified and highly skilled plumbers.

First of all, if your looking for a plumber to fit a bathroom suite or even carry out small plumbing repairs in and around your home, you might think it's just a case of picking up the telephone directory and choosing a company from the list. Not so! Given the recent property development trends and because there is so much demand for local plumbers in general, it is much harder to contract a local plumber than you may think.

We are part of the plumbing industry in the Yorkshire area and are enjoying a great abundance of very profitable local business partly due to our dedication to providing quality plumbing services, but more realistically due to the small numbers of quality plumbing companies that are currently servicing the areas surrounding Pontefract, Wakefield, Barnsley and Rotherham.

So why is this the case? Why are there so few plumbing companies in the Yorkshire areas that there are not enough local plumbers to meet local customer needs? In our opinion, the root cause is that very few young people are training to become plumbers. Even fewer of these plumbing students are entering the plumbing trade once they have received there formal qualifications. Plumbing is, and has always been a difficult trade to master. A plumber must master multiple disciplines in order to be able to meet the needs of their customer and must also have the business sense to turn a decent profit. A multi-skilled plumber may have skills which border on such trades as building, electrical, plastering and tiling.

We have talked to a number of local plumbing apprentices in the Yorkshire area and, whilst we knew the route to becoming a qualified plumber was not easy, we were astounded by some of the things that we heard from the people that we believe to be the future of the industry. First of all in order to get essential plumbing qualifications from a reputable college a work placement was needed first so that apprentices could provide photographic evidence of plumbing techniques that they have learned 'on the job'. We think this is a very good way to teach young plumbers, i.e. by combining classroom theory with on the job practical skills.

The problems are evident however, when you stop to consider the fact that there are very few local plumbing companies out there and even fewer that are willing to take on an apprentice who once trained would be able to compete with them for local business. Consider also the fact that these young people are expected to work for very little money. In many cases plumbing apprentices are expected to work for free! When you understand the dedication and effort that goes into training to be a plumber you can see what a thankless task it is for our young people to complete their training. This especially true when you consider the increasing number of lesser skilled job opportunites that are present in our area at the moment that offer decent wages for young people but which offer little in the way of career development or opportunities to develop other skills.

The solution to this problem in our opinion is for local plumbing companies in Pontefract, Wakefield, Barnsley and Rotherham to get behind our young people and provide support to make sure that there is a new wave of local plumbers who will be there to provide ongoing plumbing services for years to come.

This article was written Stuart Mortimer on behalf of MEM Plumbing and Bathrooms Ltd - a quality plumbing company in wakefield. MEM plumbing and Bathrooms provide fully qualified and highly skilled plumbers in the wakefield area. MEM also provide quality plumbing services in Pontefract, Barnsley and Rotherham.

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The Nintendo Revolution Controller - Skepticism Meets Reality

Well over the past week or so I have had plenty of time to sit back and take a critical look at the new nintendo Revolution controller. Initially, when I first saw the teaser I was excited about the possibilities the new controller offered. However after some more reflection and further reading, though I am still enthusiastic, I think there are some serious questions that need to be asked.

nintendo has been an innovator in the video game industry since the early 1980s. From the very beginning, nintendo engineers have had to prove themselves. The introduction of the analogue controller and even the rumble pack was met with a great deal of skepticism, yet are considered industry standards today. However, a single hand remote style controller is arguably a much larger innovation and is met with even more skepticism.

It has been reported on several websites that the Nintendo Revolution will be compatible with gamecube titles. Of course this raises questions on how the new controller will function with these games

What we are telling people right now is that there are several peripherals in the works that will be used for the older games, said Perrin Kaplan, vice President of Marketing and Corporate Affairs for nintendo. Of course, people will be able to plug their gamecube controller right in and use that, but if they want, they can use the Revolutions peripherals for an entirely new and fresh experience.

Will gamers be able to adapt to a single hand controller? I think the answer to this question will depend on game developers. The success of the controller and the console for that matter depends on whether-or-not game developers will be able to produce games which compliment the new controller.

This also raises questions over game cross-over from one system to another. With the introduction of a whole new controller, effectively changing the way we play games, well we see a drop in big title games available for multiple systems?

With the release of the new teaser and a slew of new images, people are forgetting that the new nintendo Revolution controller is not at the final design stage.

No, this is not the final design. You wont see that until the release is here, but we are getting much closer, explained Kaplan.

Over the next several months, more information will become available. Information which will either put much of the skepticism to rest, or more likely, create even more. With a product like the nintendo Revolution controller, apprehension and skepticism are natural, making this a critical time for nintendo. With the release of the Xbox before the end of 2005 and the processing power of the Playstation 3 nintendo really does have to come up with something revolutionary to compete in the next generation game console market. Does nintendo really have something special for us? only time well tell.

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Golf Swing - Top Tips

Many golfers are looking for way in which they game improve their game so that they no longer end up just hacking around the course. Certainly if you are considering learning to play golf or have just taken it up you will soon find out what a difficult game this is to master. Plus like many others unless you are one of the worlds top professionals will not have enough time to spare to spend practicing in order to help your game to be improved significantly. However in this article we are going to provide you with some golf swing top tips which should help in some way to improving the way you play the game of golf.

one of the best tips we can give you when it comes to playing the game of golf and making improvements to your swing is by visualizing where it is you would like the ball to land after you have hit it. It is important that you approach this and any other game with a positive attitude and keep affirming to yourself that you can play great golf and this should then help with increasing your confidence levels in the way you play the game.

When it comes to actually swinging the club try to use the muscles in your legs and torso as much as possible. As you get into the back swing position you need to be rotating to the right and therefore your weight should then be shifting towards the right side of your body. At the same time both your shoulders and pelvis should be twisting and the arms should be raised with the elbows and wrists being flexed. As soon as your hands have been raised above the right shoulder you should then check to see which way the club is pointing. If you have carried out this move correctly the club should being pointing in the direction that you hopefully want the ball to go to when it is hit.

Another one of the golf swing top tips that you should consider using if you want to improve your golf swing and so the speed and accuracy at which the golf ball is hit is through using a golf swing aid. These are ideal for golfers whether they are just novices or have been playing for some time. The best place to learn more about the various different ones available is by taking a look in various golf magazines. Often they will have carried out a test of all the latest devices and these would have been carried out by experienced golfers. So it will certainly be much easier to choose the right kind of aid that is going to help you with improving your game.

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