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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 

Ayurveda and Yoga

...p>Ayurveda is connected to yoga. But, not that yoga, which seems to be a set of strange poses and exercises. In reality, yoga isnt just physical exercises, it requires spiritual progress. In hindi, yoga means connection, which directs our mind in the right direction and control our emotions.

Those, who think tha...more

Why Not Try Bikram Yoga?


It's Getting Hot in Here

The purpose of the heat in Bikram yoga is to help you ease in to a deeper, safer pose. The heat helps your body's flexibility, making it easier to achieve better postures and making your overall practice more effective. Some of the poses you'll do in Bikram yoga are quite challenging, and the heat will help you enter them more comfortably, and ideally get more out of them. Also, with the increased temperature, your body will sweat more readily, releasing more toxins from your pores. The heat also lowers your risk for injuries.

When you practice Bikram yoga, you aren't simply stretching the muscles in your body. You're also working and massaging the ...more

Have a Health Problem? Yoga Can Solve It - Part 3

...r stand and its counter-poses, Bow pose and Corpse pose

29. Ovarian Insufficiency: inverted Poses, Bow Pose, Wheel Pose, Abdominal Isolation and the Head to Knee pose.

30. Premature ejaculations: Shoulder stand, Plough pose, Head to Knee Poses, Bow Pose and Peacock Pose. Abdominal Lifts.

31. Pubic Disorders: Sun Salutations, Inverted poses, Head to Knee Poses (sitting and standing)

32. Rheumatism: Sun Salutations (mildly 3-6 rounds), the Bow Pose and Triangle Poses. (Avoid Dairy, Wheat and Animal products and other processed and convenience foods!)

33. Sexual disorders: inverted Poses, Head to knee poses sitting and standing, bow pose, Balancing Poses (Peacock and C...more

Treat Your Acne With Yoga

...ith an integrated approach. Correct living is yoga. Incorrect living is anti-yoga. The appearance of acne on the face of the teenager, apart from causing physical discomforts, leaves a deep emotional impact. That means, your mind is also disturbed or stressed. You feel bad about yourself.

Cleanliness is the entry point part of the yoga way of life. One, who is suffering from acne, needs to take extra care about this aspect of life. wash your hands a number of times, so that you provide no ground to the bacteria to enter your body. Use mild soap and water. Always keep the hand and nails away from the face. Don't you ...more


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