Tuesday, October 2, 2007 

Starting Over in Orlando, Florida

Home to Walt Disneys famed theme parks, Orlando, Florida is a growing city with diversity. For anyone relocating to Orlando, this information provides a snapshot of the city.

The county seat of Orange County, Orlando is Florida's largest inland city. In 2005, 213,223 people lived in this mid-size city, a 14.7% increase in five years by U.S. Census estimates. In the decade after the 1990 census, the citizenry had grown by 12.7%. Encompassing four counties, Orlando is the hub of "Greater Orlando" with its 1,933,255 people. The average age of Orlando residents was 33.2 years by 2005 census reports. The citys population was made up of 41.7% White non-Hispanic residents, 35% African American and 20% Hispanic. The average household size was 2.3 people. Families made up 54% of city households. Orlando supports large minority populations and has an above average percentage of foreign born citizens for a city in Florida. A large student population can be found in Orlando with the University of Central Florida and its full-time enrollment of 26,717 students. Valencia Community College has another 15,792 full-time students.

People living in Orlando made below average income in 2005. The average household had earnings of $36,699, about $10,000 below the national average. Median family income lagged by over $15,000 with $40,143 yearly. The most common jobs for both men and women were in accommodation and food services, each providing 12% of each genders workforce. Poverty was slightly above average, affecting 15% of the citys people. Greater Orlando had a very low jobless rate of 2.8% in October, 2006. The area economy thrives on the tourism and convention industry, especially with its Disney World attractions. Orlando is one of the busiest for conferences and conventions, home to the second-largest convention complex in the U.S. Manufacturing is another big sector. Because of its location near "Space Coast" and the Kennedy Space Center, many high-tech companies have been relocating to Orlando and the surrounding area. Lockheed-Martin has a large manufacturing facility for missile systems, aeronautical craft and related research. Other notable engineering firms include multiple U.S. Air Force facilities, GE, AT&T, Boeing, HP, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon Systems.

With an increase in the job market, people relocating to the Orlando area impacted a dramatic growth in urban sprawl. As a result, housing prices have soared. In 2005, Greater Orlando home values climbed 34% in just one year. By the summer of 2006, homes surged to $254,900 on average, according to the National Association of Realtors. Within the city, the 2005 median home value was $194,300, according to U.S. Census reports. That figure is nearly double what it was five years prior. Orlandos housing landscape is changing, with 31% of the citys homes built since 1990. Renters occupied over three of every five housing units. With 56% of renters spending 30% or more of their take home pay on housing, the average rent was $808 per month in 2005. There is a serious risk for personal and property crime in the city of Orlando. The FBI Crime Index reports Orlandos crime has been about three times worse than the national average since 1999. The city ranked as the 25th most dangerous city in America in 2006, according to Morgan Quitno Press, an independent research and publishing company.

Anyone relocating to Orlando will find a warm and humid subtropical climate. It can either hot and rainy from May until October, or cooler and drier with moderate temperatures the rest of the year. During the humid season, daytime highs average in the 90s with heat indices as high as 110 degrees. During the summer, violent storms will appear, bringing high wind, heavy rain, hail and lightening. The humidity is lower in winter with an average low of 50 in January and highs around 72 degrees. and temperatures are more moderate, and can fluctuate more readily. Orlando records an average rainfall of 50.6 inches annually, most of it during the hurricane season. While the city faces a considerable hurricane risk, the area is safer than South Florida's urban corridor or other coastal areas. Hurricanes are likely to weaken before reaching Orlando. The Orlando-area has experienced tornado activity that is slightly higher than the rest of Florida, and 96% greater than the U.S. average.

The Orlando area is home to a wide variety of tourist attractions, including the Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort, and Sea World Orlando. The Disney resort is the area's largest attraction with its Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Disney-MGM Studios. Cypress Gardens Adventure Park is in nearby Winter Haven. Disney operates an animation studio at the Disney/MGM Studios in Orlando. The city is also known as the capital of pop, mainstream and alternative rock music, with music acts like Britney Spears, Mandy Moore, N-SYNC, Backstreet Boys, Creed, and Matchbox Twenty. The NBA Orlando Magic is the citys one professional sports franchise. The Citrus Bowl is also located here, home of the Capital One Bowl (formerly the Florida Citrus Bowl). Orlando is the birthplace of sit-com star Delta Burke.

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Begin Weight Training To Lower Blood Sugar

As we get older our bodies change. Our hormonal system produces less of the hormones than it did in our teens or twenties. Our metabolism, in most cases, slow down. Our body and its defenses become more vulnerable to outside stresses. But, during this time in life, our stresses seem to grow exponentially. We are going place with our careers. We have families. These families have demands on us physically and psychologically. Homes, automobiles, vacations, as well as many other thing s add to the stress load. This creates a downward spiral for our health. That is, unless we take measures to counteract the stresses that affect us daily.

We must eat healthy. We must supplement our diet with vitamins, minerals, and herbals which are appropriate for our age and our current health and stress situations. We must somehow learn to manage our stress. And we must exercise to keep our bodies healthy and vital. Doing theses things will help us manage stress and keep us younger. These will help cancel the negative effects on our bodies, caused by stress.

Lets see how this affects a person afflicted with diabetes, in particular. We are going to narrow it down to the exercise factor. We will even narrow it more to just weight training. Everyone knows, or is in denial, that exercise can only be beneficial in diabetes care. The importance of weight training has not been emphasized enough to the diabetic world. Let us address this.

As we get older, our bodies change, unless we act to prevent that change. After the age of 30 years, our body adds one pound of fat each year. Not only that, but we lose about one-half pound of lean tissue mass (muscle ) each year. Add these up and we gain 15 pounds of fat every 10 years. This is preventable. This is the reason for weight training.

A study at the University of Southern California was conducted on teens who were at high risk for type II diabetes. The study was conducted for a sixteen week period. They were divided into two groups. Group A had weight training twice a week for the test period. Group B had no changes to their lifestyle. All of the subjects were overweight and had symptoms of insulin resistance. The results are rather dramatic. At the end of the study, Group A had increased insulin sensitivity by 45%. Group B had a 1% decrease in insulin sensitivity.

Muscle is a major factor in clearance of circulating blood glucose. As lean body mass increases, greater amounts of blood glucose are cleared from the blood. Muscle tissue takes in the blood glucose and stores it as glycogen. And even cooler, the greater the proportion of muscle mass to fat, the more calories are burned at rest. And weight training further increases metabolism, even after working out.

How does one accomplished this superb state of being? It is achieved by incorporating a weight training program into your lifestyle. The American Diabetes Association suggests a minimum of weight training twice a week. Target at least two major muscle groups. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions per set, and 4 to 6 sets per muscle group. There are tons of information available on the subject. All the muscle magazines have an ongoing section for beginners. Or you can find information on the internet. For your sake do it, and do it now. It can only help.

Remember, if you have diabetes, Eat a snack prior to workings out. Hydrate during and after working out. Check your blood sugar level before and after working out to prevent any episodes of hypoglycemia.

Written by John Markus at http://www.feelmorelife.com John had been a pharmacist for 33 years. His wife has type I diabetes. Also, his eight year old granddaughter has diabetes. He and his family have been dealing with these type of problems for a long time. Tough at times, but successfully in end. John Has also studied exercise and the effects of exercise on the body and medical conditions.

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Chris Benoit - Killer Of His Own Legacy

Due to terrible weather and flooding here in the U.K I have been left without an internet connection for several days but it won't take much guesswork between you what my page would've been about, Chris Benoit.

For those U.K fans unaware because of a lack of internet connection and a lack of U.K coverage or fans anywhere in the world who haven't yet heard on Monday Chris Benoit was found dead. Unfortunately the tragedy isn't complete there as before Benoit took his own life he took the lives of his wife Nancy (some of you may remember Nancy as Woman in WCW) on Friday and, most upsetting of all, his son Daniel, aged just 7, on Saturday. It is thought that Benoit killed them both under the influence of steroids but at this point that is still unproven. Chris Benoit hung himself on Monday.

If Benoit had died in a car crash or from an overdose I would now be writing a wrestling eulogy telling of one of the greatest in ring performers of all time and a true professional, a man whose bouts with Angle, Bret Hart and Eddie Guerrero will live as all time classics and who holds serious claims to one of the greatest Wrestlemania main events of all time ( with Shawn Michaels and Triple H). However the circumstances make everything Benoit achieved inside the squared circle obsolete. In killing his own wife and child Benoit also, to me at least, killed his wrestling legacy as well.

Some may feel that what has happened away from the ring should have no bearing on how wrestling fans remember Benoit but I cannot share these views. I may be a massive wrestling fan but first and foremost I am a father and I cannot think of a worse crime than to kill your own flesh and blood, no matter what the circumstances.

During the bad weather and not having an internet connection over the last few days, I have watched a lot of old wrestling tapes on many of these where matches featuring Benoit. With each of these matches I found myself only able to watch several minutes of the bout and then forwarding past it, I could no longer bare to watch. Even one of my favorite bouts of all time featuring Benoit against Kurt Angle from the Royal Rumble was unwatchable.

Questions will no doubt be asked of the WWE once again, after all steroids appear to be involved in yet another WWE superstars death, but this time I feel it would be harsh to lay blame at there door. If all we have been told so far turns out to be the truth then Benoit and Benoit alone is the only person responsible, steroids or no steroids. People who excuse his actions and blame steroids would do well to ask themselves this- if some one they didn't know killed a loved one of yours would you except that as an excuse, I very much doubt it.

It's upsetting that so many fond memories are destined to be consigned to the scrapheap but sadly that 's the way it will be for this writer. My heart goes out to the family and friends of the Benoits and lets just hope that for wrestling fans this will be the last tragedy for a long time to hit them, it's just a crying shame Benoit destroyed his legacy on his way.

If your a wrestling fan then take a look at http://wrestlingsgreatest.blogspot.com the new wrestling magazine packed with information and articles. Let the rest of the wrestling world hear your opinions.

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How To Monitor Weight Loss?

Too much TV-->Too much junk-food-->Lack physical activity= OBESITY

Childhood obesity is a disease that goes treated with the professional support like: doctors-dietists-psycologists could provide help kids to start this slow and difficult way.

The prevention is basic if assisted through a "Program" based on self-control.

The rules of prevention are:

to reduce the sedentariness: to avoid that our children spend most of their time watching TV and playing videogames influenced by marketing, misleading advertising about sofdrinks, hyper caloric snacks and other foods.

Daily physical activity: a long walking is surely healthier and is the equivalent to waste energy almost 3 times higher than that obtained spending the same time watching TV. Especially are suggested: swimming and biking. The benefits of physical activity are many, from reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases to improvement of mental health.

Balanced nutrition: the dietetic therapy beyond having the purpose to reduce the weight of child also should educate him and his family to a stable nutrition looking for:

- to reduce the caloric insertion.

- to introduce meals that makes feel gratifyied.

- to control the introduction of fat and proteins of animal origins.

- to increase the contribution of carbohydrates to high absorption like fruit

and vegetables.

- to decrease the quantity of simple sugar.

- to increase the income of fibers with integral food and the daily

insertion of vitamins and minerals.

The overweight's reduction must be gradual and at long term. Planning new nutritional habits either in the child's life or in all family, preventing mistakes in the nutrition from the part of the family members.

The child must feel himself like a protagonist of choosing the food respecting the right nutrition and not consider the hyper caloric diet as an order.

To not become overweight and to live in healthy way it's very important to give a "rhythm" to the daily nutrition.

To the 3 main meals, namely, breakfast, lunch and dinner is necessary to add 2-3 light snacks: yogurth, some fruit or milk avoiding snacks and cracker hypercalorics.

All this to avoid getting the child at the table too starved.

A health feeding education is checking the food's quality but also the quantity of the consumed food. Good quality = right quantity

Eating smarter and being more active!!!

Cinzia Cervellini is a private article writer and owner of blog: http://defeat-childhood-obesity.blogspot.com, a public space where she loves sharing with the persons who asking and looking forward the responses about childhood obesity, issue of critical and increasing importance.

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Finding the Best Chiropractors and Chiropractic Clinics

Chiropractic medicine is an alternative, and often referred to as complementary, approach to treating spine problems through positively affecting a persons nervous system. The profession believes that a dysfunctional spinal joint interferes with a persons nervous system which can lead to ill health. Much of the profession is split into different schools of thought; some believe in only performing treatment that is expected to work based on evidence, while others do not believe that solid evidence is necessary. Because of the nature of the chiropractic health care profession, it can often be hard for people to find a chiropractor school that is suitable for their needs. Further more, many people now require the services of an animal chiropractor which can be very difficult to come by.

The Chiropractic Association

Regardless of how you come across a Chiropractic clinic or chiropractor, you should always find out if they are a member of The Chiropractic Association. This is the industry body for the chiropractic community, so you should expect that they are a part of it. You can also use The Chiropractic Association to find a local chiropractor who is registered with them. Although this method will return a qualified chiropractor; that does not necessarily mean that it will be someone that is suited to you.

Ask Your Friends and Family

Asking your friends and family if they know of a chiropractor can be a great idea. There is no better way to find out about a reliable service provider than through people that you trust. You can also find out how they found their service, and if they felt they could feel an improvement as a result.

Find Out What Your General Practitioner Thinks

You should find out what your GP thinks before trying to contact a chiropractor. If they do feel that it is a good idea and suitable for any ailments that you are experiencing, then perhaps they will be able to refer you to a chiropractor directly. In some cases the cost of this could be covered by the National health Service, so it is certainly worth asking them.

Need an Animal Chiropractor?

If you need a chiropractor that is able to treat animals then you are not alone. This is becoming more and more common as pet owners start to realise that their pets are experiencing similar symptoms to humans, and that chiropractic medicine could well be the answer. If you are not able to locate an animal chiropractor in your area, then you should consider speaking to your local vet. Although your vet may not agree with the idea of your animal being treated with chiropractic medicine, they should be able to give you valuable advice, suggest whether it is suitable, and tell you where to find a good practitioner that will work with animals.

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