Wednesday, April 16, 2008 

Alternative Treatments for Breast Cancer

It is shocking to live with breast cancer statistics rising to 1 in 8 women developing some form of breast cancer in their lifetime. Women 50 and older are at the greatest risk. Breast cancer is usually detected with mammograms or self breast exams. About 200,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year. While the survival rate is increasing, it is important to note the increase in occurrence over the last 50 years. Lets examine what causes breast cancer so we can prevent and deal with breast cancer naturally.

Causes of Breast Cancer
Everyones cancer is caused by something different, and so pinpointing the cause of breast cancer usually isnt high on the list of priorities once a woman is diagnosed with the potentially deadly disease. But, in general cancer is caused by free radicals, or deformed cells, that attach themselves to your good cells.

Breast cancer specifically has been linked to too much estrogen found in the body. There are several reasons why women have too much estrogen. The birth control pill increases the amount of estrogen in the female body. Hormone replacement therapy also has been shown to cause breast cancer because of its tampering with hormone levels.

High levels of preservatives, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals used to treat food contribute to breast cancer. And estrogens found in dairy and meat can be overwhelming to the body.

Holistic Treatment of Breast Cancer
Plant estrogens like soy are a great way to combat breast cancer. These plant estrogens give the female body everything it needs without the harmful effects. Women with breast cancer should increase their intake of soy foods. When possible they should try to reduce the amount of dairy in their diet and replace it with soy.

Eating whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and fruit also give the immune system a boost and enable the body to wage its own war against cancer. Vitamin and mineral supplements help to fill in the gaps of nutrition you may miss from your diet. Antioxidants counteract the free radicals floating around your body, bind with them, and the body flushes them right out so they can do no harm.

Mental and spiritual well being is also important in a holistic approach to fighting breast cancer. Meditation, stress reduction, improved outlook, and positivity all help improve your mental well being. And as many of us realize, you are what you think about. So change your focus, look for the beauty in life, and take care of yourself, inside and out.

Exercise is a fantastic way to improve your immune system, build a physically healthy body, and improve your mental well being at the same time. Yoga, Tai-Chi, and walking are all beneficial ways to exercise the body and mind without overdoing it and causing damage.

Progesterone cream delivers the hormone, progesterone, to the body in the fastest way possible - transdermally, or through the skin. Progesterone helps to regulate the other hormones in the body, especially estrogen levels. As a woman ages, her natural progesterone levels decrease leaving her exposed to excess estrogen. In research conducted in 1995, progesterone was shown to have protective effects on breast tissue because it inhibits the growth of more breast cancer cells. Estrogen does the opposite and encourages breast tissue growth. Pro-Gest is a good progesterone cream for women with breast cancer.

Breast cancer information

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The Purpose of Yoga- Yoga for Stress Management and Relaxation

Many people are looking for stress management in Yoga classes, but cannot find it in the area where they live. If you are looking for relaxation techniques, it is unlikely that you will learn them in a room full of young hard bodies, in which the room is heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

In truth, a hot room may do many of us some good, but for some people, a 105 degrees Fahrenheit Yoga class, may have just the opposite effect. Some of us are comfortable in warm weather climates, while others dislike the heat. In the end, Hot Yoga is a matter of personal preference.

When Aura Wellness Center was located in north Providence, there was a Hot Yoga studio just a few blocks away. We would often receive some of their students, who no longer wanted heat.

Many of them would tell us of students who vomited in the parking lot after 90 minutes of Yoga at 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Well, thats one way to get the toxins out of your body, but there are less radical methods.

So, what do you do if the only styles you can find are aerobic, cardio, hot, or fitness Yoga? These days, many people may find initial exposure to Yoga in a health club. Yet, Yoga is still being taught in ashrams and Yoga studios.

Yoga teachers, in local Yoga studios, usually have, at least, two styles, which they teach to the public. If you have never heard of the style, or styles, at your local Yoga studio, you can still research the style in books or on the Internet.

What if there is nothing in your area to help in the area of Yoga for stress management? Then, it is time to visit your local book store or library. You should research Yoga books, stress management books, Yoga audio books, until you find the stress management course, which is right for you.

Yogic Relaxation Techniques can be practiced any time you need them, but most people practice them before sleeping or before meditation. Your body and mind need rest every day, but dreams do not allow your mind to rest.

Lets discuss two Yogic methods for relaxation, which you will easily find in your books. One is the Stage-by-Stage relaxation technique and the other is a variation of the Body Scan Technique. Both of them incorporate breath awareness; we will focus on the body from the toes up.

You should take the time to decide which relaxation method is best for you, by practicing each method a few times, over the course of seven days.

Stage-by-Stage relaxation takes a bit more time, but each method could also be practiced before meditation, bedtime, or on nights when you experience insomnia. The worst that can happen is you fall asleep.

Do not judge yourself - Just practice, observe, and enjoy.

Copyright 2007 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

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