Friday, May 23, 2008 

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Principles of Human Advancement

...ess, clarity of mind, tranquility, and Samadhi, require guidance from a competent Yoga teacher.

Eventually, your students will learn to honor the true teacher within themselves, but they need to develop a clear vision of progress, success, and achievement, before they undertake their journey. The starting point in the journey is usually "sparked" by an exceptional teacher.

Teaching Yoga is, in some ways, like parenting. If you have instilled a strong foundation in your students, you will be proud of them and their achievements. The student with Multiple sclerosis, who is making great progress, or the child who is learning to concentrate, each has a significant success story.

Make it a point to recognize student progress, when you are aware of it. Our advancement, as a species, depends on it.

Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications


Yoga for Fitness

...ed in their practice and may encourage you to do things your body isn't quite ready to do.

Take things slowly. Start with a beginners class and do not advance to more challenging forms until your body is ready for the change. Like most things, Yoga is a practice that evolves with you and it will become a very enjoyable part of your life. The health and strength benefits will amaze you as your body becomes more efficient and attractive.


Bikram Yoga - A Deep History and Understanding

...Bikram Choudhury is the founder of Bikram Yoga. He had studied Yoga with Bishnu Ghosh, who is the brother of Paramahansa Yogananda. It contains a series of 26 poses, and the Yogis practiced it in a hot room of 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit, this is to allow the yogis to go deeper and safer into a pose. In addition, the body becomes more flexible in the heat, and you will notice that you can do many poses with your body that you never imagined you could do it before.

This also helps in toxin elimination by inducing sweating, increasing the blood circulation and preventing injury. The Yogis do each pose twice and hold each for some minutes. Bikram Yoga is so beneficial to the entire body, as it exercises your muscles, bones and works on your internal organs, too, e.g. the stomach, the liver, the colon, the kidneys, the heart and the lung.

At the beginning of the exercise, the Yogis sta...more

Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 1

... the spiritual aspect of life and brings a balance in our daily routine.

Yoga is also known to improve the flexibility, strength and stamina of body muscles, boost self esteem, improve level of concentration, reduce body fat, improve blood circulation, and also teach a sense of well being to individuals who indulge in regular practices of the yoga asanas.

People who regularly practice yoga say that it is a tool that helps the body to evolve gradually by purifying the body, soul and mind; this is what gives yoga a therapeutic value. Yoga has been classified into several categories since ancient times. The major branches of yoga are Hatha Yoga, karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and raja Yoga. raja. Let us now discuss a few popular yoga postures that are easily learned and are good for developing a better body texture.

The Sitting posture/ Sukhasana:

This is primarily the starting position of the asana that helps i...more

Yoga Meditation Children Retreat Machusetts

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