Monday, March 10, 2008 

How To Stay In Shape Forever

The core of true fitness lies in your hearts strength. Your heart is one of the most valuable pieces of equipment in your body. This little pump the size of your own fist literally creates life for your body. You can survive a shock to your brain, but if your heart stops, the chances of survival diminish drastically. If your heart is weak, your whole body is weak. It represents the ultimate power both internally and externally. A strong heart helps you lift weights easier, helps you run faster, jump higher and creates a better athlete or a better exercise devotee.

If all the above is true, how come a lot of us worry about the size of our biceps instead? I believe this is true because one way or another, a lot of us believe it is harder to exercise the heart then it is to work other muscles. When you weight train for instance, you dont sweat as much as when you participate in aerobics. This is true because the system that operates during weight training is anaerobic or without oxygen allowing the body to use less energy. Cardio training like cycling, running or aerobics uses much more energy because the consumption of oxygen is higher resulting in excessive sweat.

One way to keep an excellent healthy heart is to exercise aerobically to maintain proper cardiovascular health. In other words, you must stress or cause your heart to work harder than usual to keep arteries clear and to improve pumping power as well. weight training is not the best method to exercise the heart. It affects the heart somewhat, but not enough. Make sure that you choose the right exercises that focus on the right system in your body. What ensures results is selecting exercises that directly affect the areas, muscles or system needing improvement. This is one way to maximize results. To be in shape forever then, its imperative for the health of the heart to be impeccable.

Rosendo Lopez began his Tae kwon Do training in 1990. He has a vast background in meditation, yoga and wellness. He is also the founder of He incorporates boxing, weight training and yoga to Tae Kwan Do practice. He is finalizing a book title, The Trinity of fitness.

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Classic Arcade Games Emulation On New Technology

You might wonder what an emulator is. Emulators allow your computer to act like a console system such as the apple IIe or the Atari 2600, which are used to emulate the hardware of a variety of classic arcade games.

Are all classic arcade games emulated? No, but those games made before 1992 are. Not all systems are easy to emulate.

Why is there a need to emulate classic arcade games? There are three major reasons why:

1. Popularity if the system is popular, even if it is classic, the more effort is pushed to emulate it.

2. Availability of the Information if the system contains a lot of information, it will be easier to emulate. If a game has never been emulated before, it will require a lot of reverse engineering, which could at times be frustrating.

3. Technical Hurdles the hardware limits restrictions that are hard to avoid. For example, it took quite some time before the Atari 7800 was emulated, due to the encryption algorithm which prohibited games from being loaded. In addition, newer systems may lack the absolute horsepower to have the game run at a playable, and faster speed.

Although emulators are difficult to run, especially if it is your first time, you must download an emulator and unzip it. If you are not familiar with the procedures, you must read the documentation carefully.

Emulators are compound pieces of software. Most emulators may not perfectly emulate the capability of the system it is trying to copy. The imperfections in some emulators may be minor, sometimes timing problems may occur. Some emulators wont run games at all, or worse have some display problems. Some emulators may be deficient in joystick support, sound, and other significant features.

In writing an emulator, you will undergo a difficult process which requires attaining the precise system information, and figuring out how to emulate it with the software code.

There are two different types of emulators. The first one is the single-system or the single-game emulator. Examples of these are an Atari 2600 emulator, nes emulator, and an apple II emulator. These emulators can only emulate one kind of game or system. The second type of emulators is the multi-emulators. The best example of this is the Multi-Arcade Machine emulator or the MAME. MAME can emulate hundreds of arcade games, although not all arcade games can run on the same kind of system. That is a huge generalization, but the reason multi-emulators require more resources compared to single system emulators, in most cases.

The start of emulation has opened a lot of opportunities for companies to take advantage of their resources. Why spend a lot of time reprogramming or porting the classic arcade games to a new console when you can easily write an upright emulator. Emulation is the solution to these problems, and gives the gamers an exact replica of the classic games they love and want to acquire.

Black Diamond Mat Yoga


Throw a Professional Mod Mom Baby Shower

One of the most popular themes lately is the mod mom baby shower. This is a very classy pattern. It is modern and sophisticated. It represents the progress of women and their skills while still celebrating their femininity and beauty. It is a great pattern to use at a nice restaurant where the guests will be dressed up. The expectant mother is the star of this pattern.

I really like how it focus the attention on the mother to be and not just the baby. You will want to use the mod mom baby shower theme if it fits the personality of the expecting mother. just as yourself does this seem like her style. Would see want the event to be upscale refined or more soft and cuddly. Some of the advantages of this theme are that is less "cheesy" than typical baby shower themes and allows for some great decorating options.

Using this upscale theme makes it easy to tie in the nice surrounding with the theme selected. Most baby shower are very casual events involving little desserts games and talking. This doesn't have to conflict with the mod mom baby shower theme. Adding class comes with the environment and the recommended dress code as well as the decorating. Setting the table is every important because that is where most of the attention will be drawn too. Use mod mom plates and napkins. You simply use matching solid colored forks and knives. Use a white linen table cloth and place a theme based edge around the table edge.

Some colors that match perfectly with the mod mom baby shower pattern are kiwi, new pink, and hydrangea. Look for balloons in these colors to spread around the room. Note that balloons on the table can be obtrusive and block guests view of the festivities. Place the balloons in the corners of the room and by the doors. This keeps them out of the way while tying the whole room into the theme. The balloons can either be bunch together by color or a blend of two colors. For example you could have a bundle of 5 new pink colored balloons and add in one kiwi balloon as an accent color.

Another great baby shower decorating idea is to use mod mom confetti. This confetti will have soft colors matching almost any theme and add a sense of celebration and excitement that need to accompany a new mom through the birth. You want to create a mood of anticipation and excitement to help the expectant mommy know that she has support in her big moment.

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How to Make a Diet Really Work

You are thrilled and excited to start off a new diet system, by the time you're done you will be looking sleek and trim.

After going through the first day or two, you start to feel how burdensome and hard this process is, to add insult to injury, everyone you know, is aware that you're working on a diet, and everyone is examining your body's shape every time they lay their eyes on you, disappointing you by saying "You look quite the same, aren't you suppose to be on a diet?"

That by its self adds a lot of pressure and stress on us, feeling judged and monitored all the time by people's harsh perceptions, while all we want is to benefit our selves by simply loosing some weight.

The main problem could rise because we don't really understand how our bodies works, so let's take a closer look at understanding how the human body works.

To make things clear and easy, think of the human body as a primitive tool, its main objective is merely to survive no matter what, it doesn't care about how it looks from the outside, as long as it is alive and well.

By using diets which are based on any type of fasting or depriving your self from food, would lead the body to think that it's under attack and won't get any food soon, which makes it start to react in a way we don't want, it will think that you're stranded on a desert island or alone in a jungle with no food around to eat.

The body will think that it should start to preserve its self as much as possible, just incase the worst happens, by storing energy in the form of fat into its fat cells, and by doing so, it will either start to gain weight, especially on cheat days that are included in the diet system, or at least preserve its fat reserve banks as long as it could.

now that is not what you wanted when you started the diet, did you? So how do you make your body react in the way you want it to, you want to loose weight not gain, right?

The trick is to delude your body, by making it think that there is more food coming in on regular bases, while all the food you give it is low in calories but large in quantities.

By feeding your body around the clock all the time, it will relax and start to burn beyond the actual needed metabolism it really requires, every time you eat something light in calories and large in amount it will burn a little more from the stored fat reserve banks it has. Fooled by the amount you've just had.

Understanding this simple concept and keeping it on your mind, the next time you begin a new diet, people will start to notice how effective it really is, but most importantly, is the fact that you feel full all the time, and good about your self and your results, by the time you're done you will be looking sleek and trim.

Mazen Al-Angary is the author of The Last Option: When Other diets Fail (ISBN 1589397754). For more information about Mazen, visit:

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