Monday, June 9, 2008 

What Could Possibly Be Coming Next In Video Games?

...You all have probably heard all we had back in my day was pong. Well pong is long gone and the age of the video game has taken over. There are so many video game systems that you can buy to play video games on these days. Like you have the PS2, you have the xbox, you have the xbox 360 and now you have the PS3. Like what is going to come next after the PS3. I don't think anything can come next. I mean I have heard something about a PS4 but I am pretty sure that wont happen anytime soon at least while I am in the video game era. All of these gaming systems are expensive but they are all worth the money if you like to play video games.

Today we live in the world of video games and fantasy. So you are going to have those games that are out there and are kind of crazy. You are also going to have those games t...more

Nintendo Wii - Wii for Victory!

...nting device within about 15 feet. Also, the remote offers a great tactile feedback. The Wii Remote also contains a control for adjusting force feedback, a built-in speaker, a wrist strap, and four blue LED lights that indicate which player/controller number you've been assigned.

Downloading games from the online world is like a breeze, and the user friendly interface makes the experience of Nintendo Wii more pleasurable. A noteworthy feature of this gaming console is its "sleepless" WiiConnect24 service. Through this, the console automatically downloads information, even wh...more

The Console War

...One of the biggest hobbies in the world is gaming. There are many many forms of gaming in the world ranging from cards to games consoles. To most people, gaming means playing video games on a purpose built games console or on a PC. So that's the subject.

According to Wikipedia we are on the 7th generation of consoles and there are 3 main competitors: Microsoft's minimalist xbox 360, Nintendo's little white motion controlled cube the Wii and Sony's big black powerhouse the PlayStation 3. Whilst the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 thrive on games which have very high quality graphics, the Wii focuses on fun, the games are replayable over and over and the creation of a Mii avatar is a pretty good feature. There is a drawback however, the games are not for the hardcore gamers who want to blow things to bits with a wide array of powerful weapons or for those who want to throw exotic cars into exotic trees at exotic speeds. The graphics on the Wii are comparable to the PlayStation 2 so they are not good for a game which needs a high level of detail and with an 800MHz processor it cant handle graphics which are on the other two consoles. It is however ingenuitive and has the motion control which, when drunk, can be credited for a good few Youtube videos. What i don't like is because it is a "Universal remote control", i assumed it would take no modification to make it into a gun, steering wheel, golf club and so on. The Wiimote has an attachment for every type of game available on the Wii which is just plain old expensive to buy them all. Backwards compatibility works from what I've heard, all the connections are present for memory cards, controllers and discs for the Nintendo Game cube but unfortunately there is no space or slot to play a Game boy game in your TV again which is a shame. The memory is expandable to create more data and Mii avatars, the controller vibrates, has sound and is motion sensitive unlike its competitors, its as reliable as a wood burning stove and best of all its very low price tag and inexpen...more

Electronic Arts Shocks The video Game Industry

...dden 2006 obliterated the sales of any 2K Sports game that year. Then, Electronic Arts did the remarkable Lord of The Rings games. After that, they delayed the release of the Crysis demo to prevent low sales due to Halo 3. Electronic Arts keeps making unbelievable decision after unbelievable decision. No one can deny the success that Electronic Arts has had with games like Madden, Quake Wars, and the newly released The Orange Box.

The future looks bright for Electronic Arts. They are going to be earning so much money fr...more

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