Wednesday, July 16, 2008 

Cheap Traveling - Discover the Secrets of Flying for Cheap

...otels etc. if you keep looking.

Another tip on cheap traveling is get inexpensive accommodations. Consider to rent an apartment in the city. It is much cheaper than hotel accommodation and this is also the chance to know the people around. You can connect with the native of the place making your travel and vacation more exciting.

Save money on food is another tip for cheap traveling. Limit your dinner on restaurants; visit the supermarket to buy some food than eat on restaurants all the time. Look for special treats, ...more

Protect Yourself With travel Insurance Policy

... cover all your financial losses.

Loss of belongings - You may find yourself in an unfortunate situation where you fall prey to muggers in a foreign city. You lose all your identity documents and you have not a penny in your pocket. In such cases international travel insurance provides you with an Identity Theft Protection that includes recovery services, lost ticket and passport assistance, translation services and emergency and cash transfer assistance.

So as soon as you have decided on your next vacation, purchase your travel insurance too right away. It will allow you to enjoy your vacation with peace of mind because you know the insurance company will take care of everything else for you.


Can You Really travel for FREE?

...wheel - do what others have done before you. I know one retired man who started out selling an exotic travel party in the Caribbean each year. Word of mouth took over, because people really enjoyed themselves, and now he does not have to work a 9 to 5 job. The commission from booking 300 to 500 people a year into a 5 star resort on the islands each year, pays off BIG.

I suppose you are wondering how a travel Coordinator just starting out travels FREE? Easy, when you book 6 people or 15 people or what ever number the Travel whole seller sets; one person goes FREE.

Example: Say you have 9 people that want to go to China. You have a mark-up of 15% on the wholesale price, plus you get one free hotel and air if 6 people sign-up. Your mother and father, sister and ...more

travel Lodge: Enjoy Your Stay At A Reasonable Price

...ying in between 60 to 110 per night, which is more than many 3 star hotels. In these lodges, you will find quality accommodations with spacious bed rooms, TVs in every room and coffee and tea making facilities.

You may also find some cheap travel lodge in london where you can save a significant amount of cash. However, cheap travel lodge doesn...more

Meditation Yoga Cours

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