Friday, July 11, 2008 

Watch the Pros Play Golf

...You can check out a pro golf swing on video instruction tapes and on TV during golf shows and games. Checking out the golf swing of a pro can help even the amateur fine tune their own swing.

Taking lessons from a pro is a great way to have them analyze your swing and help you to make changes to make your golf game better and more consistent. Call your local golf course to...more

The Investment Potential Of Golf Homes

...You can always get a solid return selling your golf course home, even if the market looks weak. That's because golf course homes keep a stronger hold on their value than other types of real estate, and generally aren't as affected by economic trends. As a seller of golf real estate, you won't have to spend as much time watching the market and waiting for a time to sell, and as a buyer you can be more confident that you're making a solid investment choice.

It may be no surprise that golf course homes perform so...more

What Makes it a Golf Course?

...ers of holes.

Golf courses all over Scotland or even further, may have had 10 holes, while others increased it to 14 or 22, depending on how much ground was available. The general theory is that a well known Scottish golf course might have been the very first to declare that 18 holes was the standard for all the rest of the courses to follow.

Over the centuries, golfers may have had different looking terrain to play on, but some things have never changed. Whether it is hitting the ball far across a grassy knoll, or waking up a rabbit with a hole in one putt, the passion for the game is the same.


Golf Fitness in the Winter is performed all year around and re-designed every 60-90 days to keep the body motivated and challenged. But don't be intimidated by the long-term commitment it takes to optimize physical conditioning and improve your game. A Golf Conditioning Specialist can design a program for you based on the equipment you have at your disposal and time you have available to dedicate to improving your most important golf equipment: your body.


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