Friday, March 21, 2008 

Protecting the Screens of iPods and other Small Portable Electronic Devices

No matter how careful you are, without dependable protection the screens on all portable electronic devices will get scratched. The fact that we use the devices in our active daily lives puts them in constant danger of being scratched.

One of the best ways to protect them is now available through a company named clear View Skins the skins that they offer are nearly invisible and they will provide your portable electronic devices with an unbeatable amount of protection against scratches without changing their size, shape or appearance.

The film that the clear View Skins screen protectors are made from was originally developed to protect the leading edges of military helicopter blades.

The quality of the film that is used to produce the clear View Skins and the fact every clear View Skins screen protector is specifically designed to fit the individual electronic device makes them the perfect screen protector for all of your portable electronic devices.

The clear View Skins screen protectors will fit in most carrying cases, providing an extra measure of protection while allowing you to remove the device from the carrying case to charge it in a dock or play it through a home speaker system.

If you are looking for dependable protection for your portable electronic device at an affordable price check them out at: (

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Wireless Security Camera - For Dick Tracy and Every Tom, Dick, and Harry

Have you seen the movie Dick Tracy? It was the 1990 blockbuster film staring Al Pacino and Madonna. It's based on Chester Gould's comic strip, which he wrote and drew from 1931 until 1977. The work featured Dick Tracy, the superhero of police detectives. He was smart. He could punch with an iron fist. Even more impressive, he had the fastest draw in the city. Dick Tracy had to face villains so ugly they could make onions cry. These bad guys and gals include B-B Eyes, who had the eyes of a frog; hairless Miss Egghead; The Blank, who literally had no face; and The Claw, whose hook replaced a missing hand. One of the comic strip's hallmarks was Dick Tracy's gadgets, which he used to help track down these evil villains. His most famous tool was his 2-Way Wrist Radio, which, beginning in 1946, allowed Dick Tracy and police force members to communicate easily. In 1964, the watch was improved to a 2-Way Wrist TV, and then to a 2-Way Wrist Computer in the year 1987. Today, a wireless security camera would certainly be included in Dick Tracy's arsenal of gizmos.

cameras and Calendars
Before the wireless security camera, there was the television camera. Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented one that transformed the captured image into an electric signal. The U.S. dollar sign was the image that he transmitted. Farnsworth received a patent for his "dissector tube" invention that transmitted the image. Later, the first professional camcorder was put on the market, in 1982. And then during the following year, the first domestic camcorder appeared in stores. The first video surveillance system was installed in 1942, about a decade after Dick Tracy first appeared, to observe the launching of V2-rockets. Today, security cameras have come a long way. They are now digital, rather than analog; and even a wireless security camera can be used!

Pulling the Plug
While a home security system would probably not include a V2-rocket, today the wireless security camera has become instrumental in keeping homes safe. When considering whether or not a wired or wireless security camera is ideal for you, think about the benefits of the wireless security camera.

* They are ideal for the do-it-yourself kind of person because as they are easy to set up and are more portable.
* They are easier to conceal.
* They sometimes have motion-activated sensors that e-mail you after a person has walked into view!
* They can be accessed by logging onto your computer from almost anywhere.
* They do not require a power connector so they can be placed almost anywhere.
* They can save you money because you will not have to spend much money on wires and other electrical pieces.

Working Outside of the Home
The wireless security camera also has several applications outside the home. These include crime registration, monitoring of traffic, observation of industrial processes at factories, and compliance with safety requirements. Today's wireless security cameras are so tiny they are very difficult or impossible for the naked eye to detect. This makes them ideal for places where the camera must be concealed.

Technology has come a long way since "Dick Tracy" was introduced into the world of comic books in 1931. In fact, the wireless security camera has become so effective that the fearless detective might even use one if he were still prowling the streets for bad guys today.

Toying with the idea of getting a wireless security camera or other hidden video cameras? Discover the power of wireless video surveillance when you visit now!

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Golf Fitness Training To Strengthen Essential Swing Muscles

All golfers want lower scores, but over look the benefits golf fitness training. Perfect balance while hitting the ball gives your body the anchor it needs to point the ball in the right direction. It doesn't matter whether you're teeing off, trying to get out of a hazard, or trying to land on the green, balance is something that the instructor is going to constantly remind you to concentrate on until you are consistent.

Golfers need to strengthen the muscles they use in the game to a certain extent, but more importantly, they need to have them work as a team with muscles they don't use so much when playing the sport. Learning to coordinate all of the muscles together in a golf fitness training program will result in fewer sports related injuries.

The reasoning behind completing a golf fitness training program is to strengthen the muscles that you only use for golf and rarely use any other time. Think about it like this. The way a golfer must turn and twist their back and legs aren't exactly natural, which is why this may be the only time you use these muscles. Don't be surprised if after nine holes you will be able to feel the pain in every muscle you need to work on.

balance can be improved by using different muscles. Strength training the quads, the hamstrings and calves will also help improve your stance. If you combine the strength of your legs with solid upper arms and abdominals you will have more control over you balance during the stroke.

After you strengthen your legs and achieve perfect balance, a golf fitness training program will help you with the next element of the swing to learn: shifting your feet. Ideally you want to hit the ball with your weight positioned over the back foot. With stronger legs and better balance the ball should go farther and more consistently now that you are shifting your feet during the swing.

There are many easy exercises that can help someone who only plays golf once a week. A golf fitness program will explain these exercises, but it is up to you to take a few minutes everyday so that you can strengthen these muscles. For example, there are back muscles called lats that you use during your swing. A few minutes of pull-ups will strengthen them so they don't cramp up during the game. For more information and golf tips visit

By continuing to use all of the stretches and strength training exercises that you can learn from a golf fitness training program, you can stay fit throughout the year and keep improving your game.

Advanced golf fitness training involves dedicating twenty to thirty minutes, three days a week to the exercises. During this time, you will use stronger weights and learn more advance stretching and strengthening exercises. Always keep your doctor updated whenever you start or increase any fitness training. They can talk you about diet and help you chart your progress.

For more advice and online golf tips on all elements of golf including golf accessories, equipment, vacations and mastering your golf swing

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