Friday, June 13, 2008 

Teaching Yoga - A Great Job, Even in a Tough Economy

...>Becoming a yoga instructor is also an investment in your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Teaching yoga sessions is an investment in your community and the well-being of your family.

Some people will tell you, Yoga is not about money. Do they pay your bills? Yoga is not about money, but this is a limited truth because yoga is about everything. You cannot help people if you join the ranks of the homeless.

yoga instructors are givers, and we should give back to society. However, if you decide t...more

The Benefits of yoga for Children

...Various trends and fads have come and gone with fitness and exercise which makes it very easy to be cynical about any new developments in this field. However, because of the believed benefits of both mental and physical health yoga has been able to endure and become a favorite.

Having children practice yoga is becoming an increasingly popular trend. Like adults, children do not get enough exercise according to studies by experts and they can also exhibit tension and stress - therefore the perfect solution for overworked children is yoga.

Finding the Right Place

It is important to research the yoga class you are thinking of h...more

yoga And Pilates - A Sensible Combination, Pilates refers to a physical fitness exercise system. Together with lengthening and stabilizing of the spine it is designed to achieve and maintaining perfect body alignment and posture. It primarily focuses on cultivating core postural muscles. yoga benefits, on the other hand, are more than just a physical; they are all-inclusive. For physical and mental health, covering all aspects of breathing, relaxation, internal hygiene, diet, breathing techniques, meditation and ultimately self-realization, there is nothing like yoga.

Benefits of yoga

yoga exercises and poses are not just intended to make the practitioner physically fit and strong, by bathing internal organs with rich oxygenated blood and life force energy...more

Why yoga Should Be a Part of Your Daily Fitness Routine

...If you would like to really put your daily fitness routine in overdrive and get better results than you ever have in the past, you really should consider adding yoga exercises into your home fitness workouts. Aerobic exercise is great for burning calories, and strength training works very well for strengthening your muscle groups. But yoga goes far beyond either of those forms of exercise and can benefit you both physically and mentally. Let's see how.

Physical Benefits

1. Flexibility -- strength training helps improve muscle mass but it does very little to improve muscle flexibility. And studies have shown that sh...more

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