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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

Kenya Travel Tips Kenya-Travel Kenya-Weather, Visa, Money, Health & Credit Cards

...Getting ready to travel or flight to Kenya vacation

Most travelers to Kenya come from Europe, north America, or Asia. This involves some serious travel, preparing for international formalities, and being ready for some cultural differences.

When to come/go to Kenya

The main tourist seasons are December-January and July-August, responding to international vacation schedules. The great Migration of wildebeests and zebra usually reaches Kenyas Masai Mara during July-August. October-January is the best time for a beach holiday, as there is less seaweed.

Residents love the rest of the year as well-fewer tourists, brilliant green of new tropical growth, cooler temperatures, and lower rates everywhere. Temperatures are temperate all year. Day temperatures are typically between 20-30 c. or 65-85 F. The rainy seasons are usually in April May and November.

Most people travel to nairobi by air. It is not possible to fly directly to nairobi from north America. You must connect with a flight leaving from London, Amsterdam, Paris, Geneva, Rome, or Zurich.

Reputable travel agents or the various airlines flying into nairobi or connecting European city can sometimes find barga...more

Finding The Best Online Travel Websites

...There are certainly a number of travel websites in the Internet today. The problem is how would you know which online travel website would be best for you. For those planning to travel, online travel websites are a great help. These sites can help you compare prices for holiday trips. They can also make travel arrangements to lessen the customers' travel worries.

It's always hard to decide which online travel website is the best because there are so many to choose from, with each one having their own unique set of extra features to offer. However, knowing your considerations in choosing the right travel website would be a good start.

What to Consider When Searching for the Best Online Travel Website

There are a number of impo...more

Flight and Travel Tips

...Plan in advance: If you have a plan to visit out of your country, start your plan at least three to six month prior to your visit. Know the country and destination where you are planning to visit. Know more about the climatic condition of that country and find out the travel advices for the country. Select best time of travel for that particular country or city.

book air tickets in advance: If you have finalized your tour program, book air tickets in advance as many airlines offer a discount for tickets booked in advance. Now get your passport, visa and other travel documents ready.

Learn the local expenses: You might not know whether...more

Jet Charter For Your Ultimate vacation Plan

...by corporate executives, wall street moguls and anyone else who has the money, jet charters provide these people complete privacy. Given a jet charter, you choose the airfield and landing strip youd like to take off from, you choose the charter jet, you choose the country of choice and you choose who gets to fly given you. Clearly you get to choose every aspects of your travel. Perfect for choosy rich people, company sponsored getaways, family getaways or even such functions as bachelor parties.

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe... Which Aircraft Should You Choose?

Jet charter services provide many different types of aircrafts ...more

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