Thursday, May 1, 2008 

Wireless Merchant Account

You see it more and more every day: the whole world feels like Pinocchio - it wants to operate without strings or wires. Going wireless means doing business anywhere on the planet, and without the cumbersome installation and infrastructure that keep businesses in one place for centuries. Following nearly two decades of near continuous construction and development, the wireless telecommunications companies have all but completed the worldwide wireless economy.

What does that mean for the average business owner? Getting set up with a dependable wireless merchant account is a little like knowing where all the cool local eateries are located, rather than having to eat at the franchise restaurants like everyone else. A good wireless merchant account provider can offer credit card solutions and means of doing business that literally "cuts the wires" on payments handling for your business.

When you select your wireless merchant account provider, you will want to make sure youve decided on one that offers the most current and up-to-date technology available. Selecting a company using CDPD technology or other soon-to-be extinct service platforms severely limits your payment flexibility and often leads to limited client transactions and unreliable service. As you might imagine, such lackluster performance is unduly reflected on your business, and erodes consumer confidence in your ability to smoothly post transactions and generally provide reliable credit card services. So when you choose your Internet merchant account provider, make sure they have the most mobility possible.

Another important guideline when choosing your merchant account provider involves knowing how much coverage a provider can give your area. All wireless service is ultimately local: it rises and falls not on how much national or international coverage it can muster but rather how much reliable service it provides to your neighborhood, your city, and your state. See if a potential merchant account provider can give you a map to show coverage penetration (the amount of coverage they can provide) in your city or area, and how much theyve invested in maintaining their operations there.

Remember too when dealing with a bank that most banks outsource their credit card services to vendors in places outside their locality who may or may not be invested in maintaining a healthy wireless network in your area. Choosing an independent merchant account provider allows you the freedom of cutting the banks out of the transaction and dealing directly with those companies immediately involved in providing and maintaining the best service to their customers.

Finally, keep in mind that Internet merchant accounts are a tool and any tool is only as good as the person using it. Take time to thoroughly familiarize yourself with your new system from the moment it arrives, and plan well enough in advance that youll be acclimated in time for the beginning of its use. Dry runs and practice takes are fine when money isnt an issue. But in the up-to-the-minute world of credit card servicing, the time lost to trial and error is lost for good. has a wide selection of wireless credit card terminals allowing you to finally cut the cord and go wireless!

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