Friday, October 19, 2007 

Appliances and Your Utility Bill

Your utility bill is a collection of sub-electrical uses from your lights to your heater. Your appliances fall within this category and can suck up amazing amounts of energy.

The power usage of an electrical appliance is of concern to most everyone due to the rising cost of electrical power. The kilowatt meter that is usually attached to the outside of your home measures the watts being used. When those little wheels are spinning wildly, you can anticipate a hefty electric bill in next months mail. When you understand a bit about power consumption, it is possible to reduce your power usage by a considerable amount.

The watt is the most common term associated with power usage. A watt is a measurement of actual work performed by electricity. The watt rating is usually listed on an electrical appliance. Some items use the watt as a descriptive term such as a 30 watt speaker system or a 100 watt light bulb. Other appliances might list amps and voltage, but a simple formula can convert this to watts. The formula is amps x volts = watts.

It is important to note that the watt rating of an appliance refers to its maximum capacity when operating. A 500 watt refrigerator will only use 500 watts when its compressor is running a full blast. Normally, it would be using more like 50 watts to power its electronics. The same would apply to a fan. Its watt rating would refer to its operation at full speed. A computers watt rating would vary depending on how many programs are running.

Some appliances will contain to use some power even when not in use. This would be the case of a clock on a television, for example. In most cases, the best way to conserve power is to reduce the use of an appliance. There are several tactics that can be used to conserve power. Anything that produces heat tends to use more power. Simple things like using cold water rather than hot in the washing machine can translate into a considerable savings.

A wise homeowner would treat electrical power usage in the same manner as a businessman would do it. There are certain things that are necessary, and there are certain things that are not as important. Conservation of electrical power usage not only is wise from a personal economic point of view, but it also is an important part of conservation. Much electrical power is generated by the burning of fossil fuels and growth is putting a serious strain on the supply. Every watt saved by every person can help with this problem. This saving not only will be felt in your wallet, but also in the very air you breathe.

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