Tuesday, June 24, 2008 

Alternative Therapy for Arthritis: 3 Great Options

...e an allergic reaction.

Here is an excellent recipe for an arthritis massage oil. You should always add essential oils to carrier oil when making massage oil. This means that you should add 10-20 drops of essential oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil. You can choose sweet almond or olive as a carrier oil for an arthritis massage oil. Mix 1 ounce of carrier oil, 3 drops of Vetiver oil, 4 drops of Cedarwood oil, and 4 drops of Lemon oil. Blend together in your carrier oil and store in a bottle. To use, add the blend to a bath of hot water for instant and penetrating relief in the bathtub. Soak in the hot bath for at least 20 minutes to obtain its therapeutic benefits.

Do consider using an alternative therapy for arthritis. Consuming too much drugs for pain relief of arthritis can produce side effects and bring about other problems as well. In most circumstances, an alternative therapy is non invasive and considered relatively safe.


Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Philosophy of Abundance

... in order to share knowledge.

Sadly, spiritual abundance is becoming rare in some cultures. The spiritual connection to God cannot be seen, but can be felt. Unfortunately, we try to measure the spiritual world with scientific instruments from our physical world.

How can you measure prayer or the benefits of prayer? How does science explain miracles? Science often remains baffled or claims miracles do not exist. Science is useful, but has created the virtual world for a generation who may end up lost in computer games, obesity, poor health, and unconstructive use of time. However, we know the virtual world exists because we can see it.

Emotional abundance is most often taken for granted. Our family and friends provide security, but we wish for more material wealth. When death or illness knock...more

Yoga - In Sickness And In Health

... buy a content mind - healthy body and soul.

Pleasing experiences generated from yoga is the sense of well being where stress is eased and forgotten while you lapse into a sedate frame of mind. Reasons why people have chosen to take up yoga are because of how it helps tone muscle/flexibility and strengthens stamina pace. obese participants understand how beneficial it is helping them to burn off excess fat without the demand tactics like that of a strenuous assault course.

Yoga and concentration are a very compatible twosome, if working hand in hand it helps to improve creativity. The positive side to yoga is where it gives you control in tending to your body needs naturally instead of turning to medicinal pills (...more

Purpose of Yoga - Reasoning With Fundamentalism

...nteresting, but stupid.

Of course, there are also countless statements that Yoga is evil, and Yoga is anti-this or anti-that. Lets look at the definition of evil closely. Evil is bad, wicked, mischievous, prejudicial, vicious, hurtful, to have bad intent, and to desire pain for someone else.

That description is actually much more fitting for a religious fundamentalist. In the past, hanging, burning at the stake, drowning, and the rack, were used by religious fundamentalists to rid society of accused witches. Everyone was a suspect, and anyone that was accused, of anything, was tortured, until they confessed.

The Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches), written around 1486, was a pop...more

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