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Friday, May 9, 2008 

Spiritual Parenting Through the Use of Yoga

...arents want nothing more than their own free time away from stress, so they seek to look for adult yoga activities. Unfortunately, they are missing a tremendous opportunity to interact with their children while relieving stress together.

Many children today need all the benefits of yoga- exercise, stress reduction, reflection. With little thought beforehand, parents can build on these positive benefits by interacting with their children and talking about their day. This is a perfect opportunity to create special moments with your child meaningful, quality moments that will make a lasting impression. By physically stretching with the pose, children can envision themselves accomplishing positive things while working together with their supportive parents. Hows...more

Ayurveda and yoga

...equires spiritual progress. In Hindi, yoga means connection, which directs our mind in the right direction and control our emotions.

Those, who think that just by practicing a set of difficult physical exercises, they achieve a state of e...more

Facts on yoga

...he studies have shown that yoga helped to lower blood pressure and increase resistance to psychological stresses. yoga aids to improve physical flexibility, strength and endurance, which is particularly beneficial to people with back problems. The yogic breathing and meditation assists those people to better manage their back pain.

A male who practices yoga is referred to as a yogi or yogin, whereas a female who practices yoga is called a yogini. The word yoga means to yoke and it can loosely be translated as "to join" or "unite". It can also be taken to mean as "union" or a method of discipline. yoga is believed to be made up of eight limbs: the asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), dharana (concentration), dhyani (meditation), yamas (restraints), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), niyamas (observances) and samadhi (absorption). The goal of tra...more

Learn Online yoga Moves

...ons, and practice yoga at the same time.

Meditation is the process of controlling our mind. There is no need to watch any image or a video to understand the process of meditation. You can simply read the instruction, and learn it online. Practicing with a calm mind is the key.

Thus, there is no need to attend personal coaching classes of yoga. You can learn yoga moves online as well.


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