Friday, June 6, 2008 

Yoga - Supplies Make A Difference

...Loose-fitting and comfortable clothing are the most popular yoga supplies because some Asanas (yoga postures) demand a freedom of movement not offered by tight clothing.

Asanas are yoga-postures that promote a healthy internal body, increase muscle flexibility, tendon strength, and stamina.

Most yoga supplies are unnecessary or supplementary at best to a successful workout. The practice is designed to physically connect body and mind, but anything that makes a workout more comfortable and effective is worthwhile. Each yoga instructor will have his or her own style and equipment, whether it's inherited from their teacher or created as a melding of styles.

Instructors might also recommend mats/mat bags, blocks (adds strength/stability to postures), cushions, grips, and relaxing music/DVDs.

A yoga mat is a slender piece of foam rubber protecting the sharp angles of your body from the floor. While not strictly necessary, floor poses are going to be very painful without ...more

Hatha Yoga's Attraction for Middle-Aged Students

...Why are more, and more, students, over 40 years of age, discovering hatha Yoga classes for the first time? What can hatha Yoga do for a couch potato? What can hatha Yoga offer the active person, who is over 40? Lets take a closer look at each of these issues for the deeper answers, which hatha Yoga contains.

There are many styles of Yoga, and hatha Yoga is just one of the nine main styles from India. hatha Yoga has many sub-styles, such as: Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative Yoga, iyengar Yoga, kripalu Yoga, and many more. Before we go too deeply into this subject, please realize that outside of India, the most common form of Yoga is hatha Yoga.

Why are more students over 40 discovering hatha Yoga classes for the first time?


Benefits of Yoga in Chairs

...Yoga has traveled across geographical boundaries and over the mighty atlantic all the way from India and is being considered as one of the best therapies for fighting physical and mental conditions. Yoga in chairs or chair yoga is just another simplified posture that will allow you to practice this art while sitting on a chair. This is good news for those who are working overtime!

The origination of yoga can be traced back to India where it is still considered as the only effective method of spiritual awakening. Yoga can be practiced through various postures also known as asanas in Sanskrit. Some of the most influential...more

Yoga and Meditation - Questions and Answers

...lays. I do not mean by this that the aspirant does not experience changebut the changes are mostly internal and usually apparent only to the practitioner.

Q. How is yoga just the stopping of thoughts in the mind? Is that all there is to it?

A. No. It is much more sophisticated than that. It is also pretty technical, but there is no avoiding that.

Yoga is the suppression of the modifications of the chitta, is the beginning statement of the Yoga Sutras as well as being Patanjalis definition of yoga. Meditation establishes our consciousness in the true self and renders the chitta (mental energy, mind substance) free from outer-caused modifications or vrittis (waves). We should look at this further.

To the purusha the chitta is the sole object in the form of its modifications. And chitta w...more

Pilates And Yoga System With Trainer

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