Monday, January 14, 2008 

Finding the Right Yoga Teacher for You

yoga has had resurgence in popularity over the last few decades and new classes form everywhere every day. Thousands of new teachers are certified every year, but with such a large percentage of new teachers, how can we be sure we're getting the yoga knowledge and teaching ability we seek?

The different schools of yoga are really all based on the same movements, or yoga asanas, but they do it in different tempos and combinations in order to achieve specific results. The school's stated purpose can be a good place to start. For example, if you're looking to lose weight, you'll want one of the quicker-paced schools. If you're looking for spiritual repose, you may prefer a slower-paced yoga with longer holds. This is largely a matter of personal preference, and several schools may all meet a single type of need, so don't give up if the first one you choose isn't what you hoped for.

Finding the right kind of teacher to whom you'll respond isn't always easy. In the first place, there is no real certification processed or approved training sequence. Without these standards almost anyone can hold themselves out as professional yoga instructors.

Find out what kind of training a proposed teacher has had. What school of yoga did he study? How many hours did he put in before becoming a teacher? A program that includes not only learning, but also practice teaching sessions, and is around 200 hours seems to be standard. You'll find some certification programs that take a year or more to complete, and those that are an intense weekend of correspondence-type study. Expect to pay more to and learn more from the former. Avoid the latter altogether.

Also check his experience. How long has he been teaching? Usually, the longer the experience, the better the teacher, but if he's new, don't rule him out on that alone. Talk to some of his students. What do they like about him and what would they change? How do they feel after a session with him? compare their answers with your ideal of a yoga instructor.

If you're new to yoga, you may want to have a discussion with a potential instructor. Find out how she got into yoga, and what styles and schools she's tried. Ask what she focuses on the most in her classes - strength? Flexibility? Balance? Meditation? Does she limit the size of her classes? If you're attending for a specific medical reason, such as high blood pressure or back pain, make sure she has experience with those conditions.

Some good clues to look for are 1) is the teacher enthusiastic about yoga and its myriad of benefits for students? 2) Does he seem knowledgeable, using Sanskrit names for the asanas? These things don't guarantee expertise, of course, but they indicate a good amount of time spent in study.

After you've checked her credentials and chosen your yoga instructor, try a few lessons before you commit to any length of study. You'll want to assure yourself that you and she are compatible as student and teacher. Do you like the routines she leads? Do you find her instruction easy to follow? Does she give individual help when you need it? Does she provide demonstrations? Does she care about her students and watch over them carefully to assure they are doing the asanas correctly and in a way they aren't prone to injury? Does she correct not only with words, but also with gentle physical repositioning? Are you overly sore when you finish a session? This may be a sign of an unbalanced routine and another teacher may be in order.

Again, don't be discouraged with a bad teacher. Just try again. There's always another, better, yoga teacher just around the corner.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Yoga

International Yoga Expo


The Perfect Golf Swing

It has been estimated that there are some 50 million golfers worldwide and that 80% of all golfers will never achieve a handicap of less than 18. Also, despite the advances that have been made with golf instruction videos, books and equipment, the golf handicap of players has not improved over the last 20 years. What, then, is the problem?

Most golf players experience the ups and downs of the game. One minute they think they have found the perfect golf swing, for example, as they could do little wrong in their last game. The very next game they are lamenting about they just couldnt do anything right and had a disastrous result. They then go onto that continuous merry-go-round, it seems, of searching for the perfect golf swing.

I too have been one of those golfers searching for the perfect golf swing. I have hacked my way through a game on many occasions, vowing countless times that I would never play this frustrating game again. I have practiced non-stop for hours on end. I have searched and searched for that secret bit of instruction that would turn my game around dramatically, but without success until now!

I have been introduced to an amateur golfer who has shared my frustrations and who, after a 4-year search, has found the perfect golf swing. He has discovered that once he understood just what the golf professionals were doing to execute a consistent and repeatable swing, he was able to introduce this discovery into his own game with unbelievable results. Other players, of course, are also benefiting from his discovery.

I was skeptical at first as I had tried various bits of golf instruction over the years, without notable success. The very first game I played after reading my friends instruction, though, changed my mind. On my best days I play to a 17 handicap. On my worst days well, lets just say I struggle. My first game yesterday after my enlightened instruction, though, was inspiring.

Of the 9 holes I played, here are my results:

1) hit the par 3 green with my straight-as-a-die tee-shot and looking at a possible birdie. Settled for par.
2) A great drive and a great second shot to hit the par 4 green in regulation. Settled for par.
3) Because I was hitting the ball so well, I decided to step well back of the tee in case I over-hit the short par 3 green. Big mistake as my straight shot was just short of the green. Settled for a one-over.
4) My tee shot to the long par 3 was just slightly right of the green. Settled for a one-over.
5) two great shots saw me on the par 4 green in regulation. Par.
6) Hit two great shots into a strong head-wind, so disappointed to have not made the green on the courses longest par 4. It must have affected me because I played the only bad shot of the day, a fluffed chip onto the green. Three putted for a two-over.
7) Three great shots to the edge of the par 5. One over.
8) A good drive, but a bit left. A great recovery shot just to the edge of the par 4 green. One over.
9) My best drive of the day, leaving an 8 iron shot to the par 4 green. Just missed a birdie. Par.

I had just played the most enjoyable 9 holes I have played for quite some time. Now that I understand just what the pros are doing to execute a repeatable swing and incorporating that information into my own game, I am getting results. I am confident on continuing on this path of improvement. I have found the perfect golf swing.

bob Gill is an online marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building. He is also a keen golfer. If you want to know more about The perfect Golf Swing, visit

Seattle Yoga And Meditation Conference


Lipovarin Review: How Well Does It Work?

Lipovarin review

Since the ban on ephedra based products in April 2003 many ephedra free fat burners have hit the weight loss market with mixed success. A few of these new "ephedra alternative" weight loss products have performed a pretty decent job of burning fat and supplying a boost of energy while others have not been nearly as effective.

Lipovarin is one of the more popular over-the-counter ephedra free weight loss supplements on the market today. The product claims to be a powerful thermogenic weight loss compound that is also capable of suppressing one's appetite. Accompanying those effects is the claim that it can boost energy and elevate one's emotional mood.

As I have said in the past in reviewing nutritional products, for a product to have any real potential it MUST contain efficacious ingredients and they must be included in a high enough amount to prove potentially worthwhile. More importantly, product claims should always be supported by the inclusion of ingredients that have clinical research behind them. Too often products contain a concoction of ingredients that have no clinical proof as to their actual efficacy in responding to a physical condition. I will tell you that Lipovarin probably contains the highest grade quality of ingredients that I have ever analyzed in a weight loss product.

Let's take a close look at the Lipovarin formula. I will try and analyze each ingredient and see how important it is in delivering safe and effective weight loss:

1) Advantra Z (385mg) is a patent pending brand of citrus aurantium used in the clinical research studies that have demonstrated its safe and effective calorie burning properties. Unlike ephedrine or ma huang based products, Advantra Z stimulates only the metabolism boosting Beta 3 receptors, so there are no undesirable effects on your nervous system, heart rate or blood pressure levels. In fact, clinical results indicate Advantra Z is more thermogenic than ephedrine, without any of the associated side effects. I am extremely impressed by the inclusion of this ingredient in the Lipovarin product.

To read more on the structure/function claims on Advantra Z follow this link:

2) 7-Keto is a naturally occurring breakdown product of DHEA that has DHEA activity, but cannot be converted to testosterone or estrogen in the body. Research suggests that 7-Keto DHEA may increase fat-burning enzyme activity and support healthy thyroid function. 7-Keto may increase the levels of a thyroid hormone called triiodothyronine (T3) levels in the body, which are linked to resting metabolism. Increases in fat-burning enzyme activity may increase body metabolic rate and promote weight loss without stimulating the nervous system or changing caloric intake.

To read more on the clinical results of 7-Keto follow this link:

3) green Tea extract (150mg) is an ingredient that has so much positive clinical support backing it as a weight loss compound. I am a big fan of green tea because it reaches beyond weight loss and into other health defense areas. As it relates to weight loss, it has been shown effectively increase one's metabolism by as much as 4-6% This "speeding up" of one's metabolism can easily lead to the reduction in overall body mass, i.e., weight loss.

4) Serotain (295 mg) is a proprietary blend of Griffonia simplicifolia extract and other natural ingredients that contain 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), which enhances endogenous serotonin levels. The most widely studied effects of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, have been on the central nervous system. According to Richard Borne, Ph.D., faculty at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, the functions of serotonin are numerous and appear to involve control of appetite, sleep, memory, temperature regulation, mood and behavior. What I really like about the inclusion of this ingredient in this ingredient is that dieting is hard enough without being a nervous wreck. Serotain supports your weight-loss program by enhancing your mood in a natural way.

5) Metabromine (350mg) is a derivative of the cacao tree, (cacao tree produces the seeds used in making cocoa, chocolate, and cocoa butter), and provides the appetite suppression and energy boost without the jitters some consumers used to get when they took ephedra-based products. It's a rather unique appetite ingredient that performs in similar fashion as Hoodia gordonii. It definitely has some very real potential.

5) Caffeine (200mg), which speeds metabolism, is the most-active ingredient in many "diet pills." Caffeine breaks down fat, freeing fatty acids which are immediately burned. Conversion of fat to energy is about 30 percent more efficient when caffeine is consumed prior to exercise.

6) Glucuronolactone (300 mg) detoxifies the body by speeding up the elimination of harmful substances, both endogenic (toxins within or made by the body) and exogenic (external toxins such as radiation, or pollution that penetrate the body from the outside). Supplementing with glucuronolactone, aids the transportation of amino acids during amino acid metabolism.

7) Taurine (200 mg) helps to emulsify dietary lipids in the intestine, promoting digestion. Taurine also regulates heartbeat and maintains cell membrane stability. Taurine has protective effects upon the human brain and is often used to boost brain function and cognitive abilities.

8) L-Carnitine (15mg) is a water-soluble, B-vitamin-like nutrient that the body uses to turn fat into energy. With carnitine's help, fat levels decrease in the blood and weight loss is easier. New research continues to pour in to support the idea that l-carnitine should be an every day, health supporting nutrient that we all take as regularly as vitamin C.

Here is the bottom-line on Lipovarin--it is as complete a weight loss product as you will find on the market today. I am extremely impressed by both the weight loss components and the powerful energy boosting components of the product. In the future I would like to see a little bit more clinical data on the efficacy of the Metabromine ingredient (appetite suppressant) contained in the formula. Overall, I highly recommend Lipovarin as a weight loss product!

Peter is a Health & Fitness enthusiast and writer. He is in the process of completing his new book titled "Extend Your life Beyond Today." In the book he examines the link between nutritional supplements and human life extension.

Yoga Pilates Yoga Video Weightloss


VoIP Phones - Benefits Of Using It

The newly discovered, but widely in use all over the world, voip services have become today one of the most famous telephonic communication device. Availing the voip communication facility, one requires either the normal analogue phones or a standard IP phone. As the entire process is called Internet telephony, voip phones differ from the normal telephones in the sense that its entire process does not include the wires. In fact, voip solution or Internet telephony uses Internet to make calls to anywhere in the world.

Globalisation has made the entire world today to appear a small village due to increased advancement in communication. Internet telephony, though, has been newly invented, but its abundant of benefits have made it immensely popular in europe as well as other parts of the world. Using voip phones lets us avail the calling facility at cheap rate. As you are using Internet to make calls in it, you will have to pay very less what you pay for your monthly telephone bill.

For corporate house, companies, and even for people who use to make a lot of international calls, voip solutions is the best way. As the Internet telephony charges you the same rate whether you are calling any domestic location or any of your relative or business associate located somewhere in africa or any Asian country. Thus, for people in regular need of making International calls, availing voip service is cheapest solution.

Even the installation of voip phones is very easy. Besides, as you avail it, you will also get several other features like caller id, voice mail, call waiting, etc. free of cost. The better sound quality is another advantage of having Internet telephony. Moreover, by using it you can even enjoy video conferencing, which is an important tool used in corporate sector.

Jack Triston is a renowned business writer who has years of experience in writing technical reviews, product descriptions and product feature analysis of technical gadgets and gizmos. He has won appreciation especially for enlightening people about the latest communication gizmos...the VoIP phones

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