Tuesday, October 16, 2007 

A Review of Medifast Weight Loss Center

If you've been trying to lose weight but is still unsuccessful? Why don't you try the Medifast Weight Loss Center's program?

Medifast is one of the many centers in the US right now that offers a weight loss program promising to deliver great results. What makes it 'unique' is that it offers different diet plans for different people.

Weight Loss Plan for Women

This plan was specifically designed to meet the special dietary needs of women and is guaranteed to be a safe and effective program for losing weight. The plan involves a very low-calorie diet that when taken with the center's specially formulated shakes results to a weight loss of 3 to 5 pounds a week. Weight Loss Plan for Men

This plan is developed especially for men but can also be used by sporty and very active women who engage in daily strenuous exercise. Compared with the women's plan, this plan provides more protein and a modestly higher calorie count.

Medifast Weight Loss Plan for Diabetics

Diabetics have special dietary concerns which makes it important for them to have a diet plan that's meant just for them. This plans not only helps in controlling blood sugar but can also help Type II diabetics lose unwanted pounds. Meanwhile, the Medifast Weight Loss Center recommends Type I diabetics use Medifast products as an occasional meal replacement only, unless prescribed by their doctor.

Other weight loss plans in the Medifast' product line includes the Medifast Plus for Appetite Suppression, Medifast Plus for Joint Health, and Woman's Wellbeing Menopause Relief.

To speed up their client's progress, the center recommends them to combine exercise with their diet plans and drink 8-oz glasses each day.

As with any other diet plan, you must consult first with your doctor.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

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Workout Tips from Hollywood Fitness Babes

People who I consider Hollywood fitness babes are Hollywood actors and actresses who get in great shape during movie roles. Here are some great examples of "fitness babes"...in no particular order.

1) Jessica Biel in "Blade Trinity"

2) Daniel Craig in "James Bond"

3) Megan Fox in "Transformers"

4) Jessica Alba in "Into the Blue"

5) Brad Pitt in "Fight Club"

6) Jamie Foxx in "Miami Vice"

7) Demi Moore in "Charlie's Angels"

8) Halle Berry in "Cat Woman"

9) Angelina Jolie in "Tomb Raider"

10) Mathew McConaughey in "Sahara"

What are some of the commonalities between these Hollywood fitness babes?

For the most part they do not pack on muscle for their upcoming movie roles. They typically focus on losing body fat and gaining muscle tone. I would argue that none of these actors and actresses packed on muscle for any of these roles.

The nice thing about losing body fat is that it makes men's faces handsome by giving them a square-jawed look...for women it emphasizes their cheekbones. People rarely talk about how getting fit affects the definition in the face. It is one of the reasons Hollywood's actors and actresses look so attractive.

Also...drinking plenty of water and eating clean for a few months before a movie, gives actors and actresses glowing skin. You would be surprised at how much better your skin looks once you lose toxins in your body. A combination of water and sweating through cardio really cleans out your system.

These are just a few fitness tips you can learn from Hollywood fitness babes...there are many, many more.

About the Author: Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a body that attracts the opposite sex. Don't train to be bulky! Learn the rapid weight loss secrets of Hollywood's finest and get lean and sexy instead. Visit his site today...www.FitnessBlackBook.com

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