Thursday, October 4, 2007 

Inner Thigh Exercises

I train many women clients, and if there is one thing I have learned, women like to have toned inner thighs! It is a problem area for most women. The muscles of the inner thighs, also called the hip adductors, respond to a very specific exercise routine. It takes about 15 minutes of exercise three times a week to shape the inner thighs. All you need is an exercise mat to get stared. Try these exercises for a few weeks and you will feel more leg power when you walk, run, or swim. After about ten weeks, you will see new definition in your thighs.

Outer Thigh Lift.

Lie on your left side, and prop your upper body nearly upright on your left forearm. With your left leg bent comfortably, extend your right leg at a 45-degree angle in front of you. Slowly raise the right foot about six inches off the floor in a controlled motion. Hold for one count, then slowly lower the foot almost to the floor; start another lift without touching down. Do 10 reps. Then roil onto your right side and repeat. Do 3 sets with each leg. 3 sets of 10 repetitions each is a good starting point. When the routine begins to feel easy in about 3-4 weeks, add a one pound ankle weight.

Inner Thigh Firmer.

Lie on your left side with your head resting on a rolled-up towel to maintain proper alignment of your head, shoulders, and hips. Bend your right leg and rest it on the floor in front of you while extending your left leg straight with the foot. Slowly lift your left leg about six inches. Hold for a moment and then gradually lower the leg, beginning the next lift before your foot touches back down on the floor. After ten lifts, roll onto your right side and repeat. Complete 2 sets of 10 lifts with each leg. 2 sets of 10 repetitions each is a good starting point.

Cable Adductor Machine

This is the machine in the gym that most women gravitate towards! It's the one where you sit with your back pressed into the machine, holding onto any handles and with your legs and feet pressed against the foam pads. Smoothly bring your legs together, hold for a second then return under control to starting position. Some machines will have a combination of settings, allowing the legs to be taken wider, avoid taking your legs out too far, especially for beginners. Aim to keep your legs and back in contact with the machine at all times. It may be useful to warm up your muscles with a lightweight prior to your training weight, as this will not only help prevent injury, but also make sure that the machine is set-up comfortably for you.

Inner Thigh Firmer Using a Stability Ball or Pillow.

Lie on your back on the floor and place a small Swiss Ball or large pillow centrally between your lower legs. Smoothly squeeze the ball or pillow, aiming to apply pressure from both legs, onto the sides of the ball. Hold in the inner phase for 2 - 3 seconds prior to releasing and repeating again. Repeat 10 times. This exercise is usually performed while lying, but can also be performed seated or standing. Complete 2 sets of 10 repetitions. 2 sets of 10 repetitions is a good starting point.

How Much Exercise Is Enough To Tone The Inner Thighs?

This number guide will help you determine what intensity is right for you.

Let's say that the intensity of the exercise ranges from 1 to 5.

1 - Light exercise, can barely feel the muscle. (this is what you feel in the first 1-3 repetitions)

2 - You can feel the hip muscles working (as you do more repetitions, you become more aware of the tension in the muscles)

3 - Moderate intensity, where you begin feel a 'burn' or 'strain' in the muscle. You have to exert a little to maintain the exercise.

4 - Moderate to high intensity, where your hip muscle starts to hurt, and you feel like stopping.

5 - High intensity, where you just can't continue. You need to stop and take a break.

In order to tone the thighs, you need to push to an intensity that falls between 3 and 4. This will vary from person to person. For some individuals, 10 repetitions of an exercise is enough to get to 3, or even 4. This is especially common for beginners, or for those who have resumed exercise after a long break. For other, more conditioned individuals, it is common to get to 3 or 4 after 30-40 repetitions, or after using ankle weights.

For more information about best diets to lose weight, register for free and get full-color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit, for exercises for women, visit and to train with Nitin, visit

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Weight Loss - The Easy Way

Modern life style demands that we look our best and in the pink of our health. To look sexy is the in thing and any extra flab is looked down upon. This attitude has led people to look for ways to lose weight easily. Besides maintaining good health, a great body tends to affect people psychologically as it instills confidence in the person.

The market is flooded with diet plans, supplements and easy weight loss programs making it a daunting task to select the right one which in turn discourages people from following any specific program. Though it sounds too good to be true, easy weight loss does exist. Though it may be marketed and packaged in various forms, the secrets of easy weight loss are the most simple information. Since the calorie intake for every person varies and is dependent on factors like weight, height, and target weight, it is important to determine the calories your body needs.

Effective weight loss: easy steps

All diet programs focus on healthy eating. Studies have proved that for easy weight loss you should consume fruits and vegetables. You should have at least 5 servings of fruits or vegetables in dried, cooked, fresh or canned forms. Fruits and vegetables help in preventing you to eat too much as they give a full feeling and keep your calorie count low.

Another conventional method to lose weight easily is to restrict your portion size. Those plans that do not follow portion limitation eliminate certain foods. By watching your portion size you can indulge in eating all kinds of food. So, eating proper amount of cakes and desserts when you want to will not set you back in your weight loss goal.

Do not be tempted to skip meals in order to lose weight fast. Instead of starving it is advisable to have small but frequent meals. This will help keep your calorie intake and blood sugar levels balanced throughout the day.

All said and done, it is important to combine the above mentioned easy weight loss tips with regular physical activities. So, for guaranteed and easy weight loss you must have a judicious balance of diet and exercise.

Ravi Agarwal is publisher of fitness website - He has written several informative articles on Health and Fitness topics.

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Great Exercises To Tone & Tighten Your Butt

A question I am frequently asked by females is, "What is the best exercise I can do for my butt?" In my opinion, there is nothing better you can do for your butt than lunges. They target your glutes, hamstrings and quads, and can easily be modified for beginners to advanced exercisers.

If lunges are new for you, begin with a reverse lunge. Start with your feet together. Step back with your left leg. Bend both knees. The right shin should remain a straight line with the right ankle. The left knee should go straight down and almost touch the floor. Press through the right heel as you come up and bring feet back together. Now repeat with the other leg. Perform 12 repetitions per leg, and work up to 3 sets per workout. Feel free to hold on to something sturdy for support if you need to at first. Then, as you get stronger and more stable, you can do these lunges without the extra support. Try adding dumbbells at your side or a barbell across your shoulders for an increased challenge.

As you get stronger and want more of a challenge, you can progress to a walking lunge. These require more stability, strength and balance than reverse lunges. Start with your feet together. Place your hands on your hips or by your sides if you are holding dumbbells. Step forward with a large step and bend both knees. Your front shin should remain a straight line with your ankle. Your back knee should almost touch the floor. As you are pushing up and at the top of your lunge, lunge forward with the other leg, repeating the same movement. Continue with this sequence, alternating from one leg to the other until you have finished 12 reps per leg.

Here is a list of exercises to tighten, tone and sculpt the butt:

Some tips to keep in mind:

2. Keep a straight back, do not arch!

3. Keep your head and chest up.

4. Never let the knee of your front leg go past your toes.

5. Your back heel should raise off the floor as you descend, but your toe should stay on the floor.

Kris created to provide quality health and fitness information to people from all over the world. He has an extensive background in strength training, nutrition and wellness planning. currently provides over 2,000 pages of free health and fitness content to over 300,000 visitors every month. Some of the fitness tools include weight loss diets.

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