Wednesday, March 12, 2008 

Getting Hearts and Hands Ready for the Holidays

"At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year." -Thomas Tusser

OK. Thanksgiving was wonderful, visiting with family and sharingfun stories and adventures; laughing around the dining roomtable, enjoying favorite stuffing and pies; watching parades andfootball games; and counting your many blessings.

It is now time to turn our attention to the many preparations for Christmas. Coming from a Christian perspective, I can speak for the anticipation which we all feel to celebrate the birth of the Christ-child. It brings us wonder each and every year, and the time and energy we put into its celebration never wanes. As I watch my jewish friends prepare for Hanukkah, I sense, too, the joy with which they prepare celebrations with loved ones.

The gift of sacrificial love is the true essence of Christmas.

Teaching your children to give generously and to give cheerfullymodels the life of Christ. Our God, who created each one of uswith more love than we can imagine, desires this same outpouringof love to others, and it is at Christmas that we likewise shareour love through gift-giving and through acts of generosity andhospitality. We are buoyed by the "Christmas spirit" because itis through giving--rather than receiving--that we receive themost joy. Pausing to think about others, about their needs anddesires, and extending yourselves to their benefit, brings deepinner satisfaction not found any other way.

Have you made your list of those people with whom you want toshare the Christmas spirit?

Consider giving small, inexpensive gifts to a large list, rather than more extravagant gifts to a very few loved ones.

When Ithink of the model of giving I want to pattern for my own family, I cannot exclude from the list those folks who cross my path on a daily basis--in one way or another--who may or may not have yet reached into close friendship with me. And so I am always thoughtful for small yet kind ways in which I might extend generosity.

Extend your circle of concern.

Think not only of what members of your own family would appreciate at Christmas. Think of cousins and aunts and uncles, and of closest friends. And don't stop there. Extend your circle. Think of your mail carrier, pet groomer, your pediatrician's office staff, the folks at your gym, your neighbors, friends of your children, office workers at youor your spouse's place of work, your manicurist, thelandscaper....think through the flow of your typical week andthose people who enter your life on a regular basis. If they areserving you in some capacity, isn't it kind to remember them now?

Many people refrain from practicing generosity to those outsidetheir small circle of concern because of the lack of money withwhich to do so. But inexpensive gifts can be handmade for pennies if we will only stretch our imaginations and put our hands--and those of our children--to good use.

look to nature and to materials right outside your front door

Free for the asking and the picking: a fresh bouquet of greens--evergreens, magnolia leaves, and berries, tied with a gorgeoussilk ribbon--would be cherished by any receiver.

Tiny bird nest ornaments fashioned from spanish moss, filled with speckled beans and a silk butterfly, and with a wooden clothespin glued from underneath, make delightful gifts for children and adults alike. My own tree is filled with them.

Collect pinecones and make an arrangement with them. Yourthoughtfulness will be appreciated and it will have cost nothingmore than a walk in the woods.

Homemade candies or cookies wrapped in inexpensive cellophanebags look elegant tied with ribbon and make perfect gifts forvirtually anyone on your list.

miniature baskets filled with one tiny, simple gift, are perfect for your children's friends.

Remember: children love exaggeration; anything diminutive (or enormous!) appeals to their sense of wonder.

Homemade "snow globes" make our list every single year

Simply use a baby food or other small jar and fill it with water and a small bit of glycerin (found at your local drug store) and white glitter; add a few plastic toys--Legos, Barbie doll shoes, jacks and balls, plastic bugs--and then squeeze a think line of silicone sealant around the lid before screwing it on to prevent leakage.

Homemade glycerin soaps filled with tiny plastic toys areadorable

They'll delight your children as well, for they'll have created happy memories making them with you for all of their friends.

Consider making homemade wrapping paper or handmade gift tags.

I buy inexpensive tags at office supply stores by the hundreds.They cost about a penny apiece. I also use twine instead ofexpensive ribbon. One bolt lasts several years and costs a couple of dollars.

And mail those out-of-state gifts early to avoid long lines atthe post office as well as the extra expense of priority mail.

Model a generous Christmas and throughout the year.Give faithfully and give cheerfully. You will be blessedbeyond measure.

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Having A Ball with X-Box Games

I love playing video games. I love it so much that I even have two video games systems at home an x box and a Playstation. I used to play with my Playstation most of the time because it had all the games that I love to play. But recently Ive noticed that I now have an extensive collection of x box games and my Playstation has been collecting dust in a corner.

It all began a year ago when I saw the x box in my neighbors multi family yard sale. He wanted to get rid of it because his son has been spending all of his me on it and I was able to get for a reasonably low price. And since he also had lots of x box games to go with the system I was able to get them for a few bucks as well. I was able to get my favorite fighting games for a lot less money than of have I bought them from a video game store.

The x box game that Ive grown to really love is the Dance Dance Revolution. Its a new type of game that combines a workout with the normal gaming experience. Its a revolutionary video game that tries to accurately simulate dancing. At the time that I bought the game I had no idea that it would be challenging.

To my surprise it was quite difficult and I actually felt that I was really dancing as I played the game. Its amazing to play a game that stimulates your mind while giving you a cardio-vascular exercise.

X box games can cost quite a lot and I learned that it would be wise to rent a game from a video store to determine if its worth buying. However, Dance Dance revolution was the exception. Its the only game that was more convenient to buy than to having rent the game and the mat. The idea of using a mat that was used by other people seemed quite unhygienic.

X box games on ebay can also be bought for less money than those on video games stores so I go there to check out some games. The most economical way to get new games is to trade games with other x box gamers but you have to make sure than you ca get your games back. In recent months the only games I buy are the ones that Ill really like and of course, the exceptional Dance Dance Revolution.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning X box Games. Get more information by visiting

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Xbox Catching Up in 2006

Although there was a delay in delivering the number of xbox 360s that consumers demanded for the 2005 holiday season, microsoft is expected to manufacture over 2 million of the gaming consoles in the first quarter of 2006. It's estimated that about 1 million xbox 360s made it to stores in time for the holidays, so there's a pent-up demand for the console. In addition, reported bugs and cooling problems will likely be worked out in the near future.

The xbox isn't the only consumer electronic hitting the news these days. At the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show, a number of manufacturers of cell phones will be honored with innovation awards. For example, Firefly mobile will be honored for their "mobile phone for mobile Kids," which is specifically designed for tweens. In addition, Auvi Technologies will be presented an award for their innovative PHIP100 VoIP-enabled cordless speakerphone with a built-in webcam.

CES will also honor a number of innovative computer manufacturers, including Hewlett Packard. HP has two products, the media Center Photosmart PC and the Pavillion desktop PC, which combine computing with cutting edge digital entertainment features. logitech will be accorded the 2006 best of Innovations award for its customizable computer mouse, which allows the user to change the mouse's weight and balance.

Consumer electronics continue to be integrated into car design and sold as after market features. Audivox, for example, offers dual dvd players that offer backseat passengers a choice in which dvd they each watch, while Panasonic has an in-dash dvd monitor and receiver. Manufacturers are also producing after market products to integrate MP3 players and iPods into a vehicle's sound system. As a result, drivers and passengers no longer have to rely on a CD to bring their favorite tunes on the road.

Although many developers of video games seem to be waiting until the next generation of gaming consoles saturate the market, a few recent titles are noteworthy. psychonauts is a hit, and for the role-playing crowd, Jade Empire is the video game du jour for the xbox. In portable gaming, the Sony PSP comes out on top with Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, while the nintendo DS offers Mario Kart.

On the whole, consumer electronics continue to improve in reliability and performance, while becoming increasingly affordable. In all respects, 2006 looks like it will be a stellar year for everything from video gaming systems to cell phones.

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