Tuesday, March 11, 2008 

Three Branding Lessons I Learned From Inside the Yoga Temple

I'll let you in on a little secret...I've recently become addicted to Yoga! It's a great way for a type-A personality like me to unwind, get centered and focus on something other than the next task on my list of to-do's. The added benefit is that I've gained more physical power and strength and an abundance of clarity in all aspects of my life.

I've been practicing yoga now for several months and have been so focused on my movements that I failed to notice there is much to be learned about business success in the midst of the 'om'. Here are 3 lessons we can all learn from:

1. Let your inner voice guide you
Unlike competitive sports, Yoga practitioners don't compete with the rest of the room or even themselves. Instead, they honor where they are at in the moment and stretch not based on what the rest of the group is doing but based on how far they can go that day. This requires really listening to your inner voice, honoring where you're at and not imposing preconceived judgments on yourself.

In business, instead of moving at the pace of the pack, or making decisions based on what others are doing (or not doing), develop a strategy that honors your brand statement. When you are clear on your brand, and the value it represents, you are able to make decisions that point back to what really matters and is right...for you.

2. Expect to get out of balance
One of the moves I had the most difficulty with in the early stages of my yoga practice, is called 'Tree pose.' As a yoga newbie, I didn't have the focus I have today and balancing on one foot while my hands floated in the air above me was challenging. I'd fall out of the move, and became frustrated.

No matter the size, or age, of your business there will be times when what you forecasted doesn't go as planned. It's easy to just throw your hands up in the air and give up or change your course completely - your brand isn't built on that now is it? Before you become frustrated, take a moment to readjust and try that marketing strategy or sales tactic again.

3. Model the actions of those that are achieving what you want
Whether you practice yoga in a studio with other people or prefer to move into downward-facing dog in the privacy of your own home, it helps to model someone who is performing the moves successfully. I'm always keeping an eye on my instructor when she introduces a move I'm not familiar with so that I can copy her movements.

As a small business owner, you don't have to go it alone! Look for role models that are achieving the success you want and learn from them. The trick is to avoid taking advice from those that aren't more successful than you. Beware of 'wanna-be' mentors that position themselves as know-it-alls when in fact they are do-nothings.

The most enjoyable part of my yoga practice is the 'Salutation Seal' when we place our hands near our heart and reflect on our accomplishment. As part of your business' practice honor your accomplishments and remember, tomorrow is another day.


2007 Liz Pabon. All rights reserved.

about the author: Liz Pabon, The Branding Maven, is inspiring, motivating and empowering - but most importantly, shes effective. A speaker and author on the topic of personal branding, Liz delivers insights and principles that are proven to achieve WILD SUCCESS. Liz publishes the weekly Keys 2 Wild Success! ezine. If you're ready to ATTRACT amazing clients, set yourself APART from the pack, make a lot more MONEY, and have a lot more FUN in your small business, get Lizs FREE WEEKLY TIPS by going NOW to http://www.thebrandingmaven.com!

Cl Minnesota Yoga


Houston Flood Insurance Information

The houston area has an especially high risk for flood damage. The city is in an area that is at risk for hurricanes that can bring storm surges and very high levels of rainfall. The elevation of the city is close to sea level. The ground is mainly composed of clay that doesnt absorb water well. There are rivers, streams, and drainage channels that pass through houston on the way to the gulf. There are bayous for storm water that can overflow with heavy rain and flood nearby areas. Heavy construction in the city often can result in flood problems for surrounding areas. Changing weather patterns from global warming and other factors may result in more intense weather events in the future.

You can visit the fema.gov website to view maps of the houston areas flood zones. You will find that a large percentage of the city area has an elevated risk of flooding. Areas that have less risk are designated on the flood map as being in B, C, D, or X zones. It is important to remember that residents in low risk zones can suffer flood damage. If fact about 30% of all flood damages claims are from areas considered as lower risk.

We you are considering buying or leasing a residence it is important to consider the risk of flood. Ask your realtor or an insurance agent to tell you the flood zone for the property you are considering. If possible select a location in the B, C, D, or X zone. When you buy a property in a higher risk flood area you should consider the higher cost of flood insurance in your decision.

Flood insurance in most areas is inexpensive. Here is a chart of the current cost for homes that qualify for a preferred rate:

Home Coverage $20,000 Property Coverage $8,000 = $112 per year

Home Coverage $30,000 Property Coverage $12,000 = $138 per year

Home Coverage $50,000 Property Coverage $20,000 = $180 per year

Home Coverage $100,000 Property Coverage $40,000 = $233 per year

Home Coverage $200,000 Property Coverage $80,000 = $296 per year

Home Coverage $250,000 Property Coverage $100,000 = $317 per year

Contents only coverage is also available. texas residents can get more information at my Houston Flood Insurance website.

Lamb insurance Agency, (Farmers Insurance) auto, Home, Life, and Business insurance for texas - http://farmersagent.com/glamb/ or http://www.houston-renters-insurance.com

Affordable Certification Teacher Yoga


The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide A Review

Are you planning a vacation trip to walt Disney World? Or do you know a family, friend or neighbour who is planning disney world vacation? If the answer is yes, then this ebook The Ultimate disney World savings Guide could be of great help to you.

walt Disney World is one of the most popular theme park destinations in the world. Every year disney World attracts millions of visitors to Orlando, Florida where the biggest of their theme parks is located. It is without doubt the number one dream vacation destination for kids, families and people from all walks of life.

To make your vacation enjoyable, stress-free and a memorable one, you would need to plan ahead by seeking out the best online and off-line deals. That of course means taking the time and effort to do a lot of research before your departure.

If you were like me, you probably would insist on getting the most you possibly can for your money without sacrificing any of your familys comfort or enjoyment.

Well, to the rescue comes the The Ultimate disney World savings Guide. This book reveals all the insider secrets of having a Disney World vacation for a fraction of what others pay.

It is probably the most comprehensive guide to the best tips, tricks and savings available for a disney vacation. It also contains strategies that can literally save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars, even if you make frequent visits to the theme parks.

Every tip, suggestion and strategy you will find in this book is real. The author, a best selling travel author, spent years poking into the right places, talking to the right people to make this book possible. She also worked for disney as an actual Cast Member and now as a mom with three kids, still enjoys vacationing at the theme parks.

The ebook contains exclusive tips to Disneys little known toll free number, which you would otherwise spend weeks on your own to find out all the information.

Other benefits you will find in the book include discovering which off-site hotels have the best value and which to stay away from. You also get exclusive discounts on five, seven, and 10 day Park Hopper tickets available only to readers of the ebook.

The 12 Shortcuts To Success listed in the ebook ensures your check-in to a disney hotel goes very smoothly.

One of my favourite parts of the Guide is that it is updated on constant basis and also comes with life time access rights. This means if you are planning your trip well in advance you can open the Guide again before your departure and get up to speed on any new disney World information.

Finally, it comes with unlimited Money Back Guarantee. This means you can try the ebook risk free. You can therefore buy the book and read all the tips and tricks and strategies it has to offer and if you dont agree the book will save you hundreds of dollars and make your Disney vacation truly magical, you just write to the author for an immediate and full refund.

With The Ultimate disney World savings Guide, you dont have to be rich to have an extravagant disney World vacation. Enjoy your vacation. You deserve the best!

James A. Baidoe helps others to earn a living online. He loves sharing with the world whenever he discovers an excellent product. visit http://wizeinsights.com

Prenatal Yoga Cl Atlanta


What Is A Skype WiFi Phone?

With the rapid advancement in the field of networking and communication, now it is possible to have voice conversation with other people through internet. The device used in voice conversation over internet is called VoIP (Voice over internet Protocol) which is the routing of voice conversation over IP enabled network. With the demand of wireless network on the rise it is now possible to design a kind of a mobile phone which can be used to communicate between two nodes using the same wireless network. Skype phone is a cellular phone used in the context of wi-fi network, which is used to make free call to other users provided he also uses Skype device. Though the Skype uses Wi-fi network to communicate with other Skype devices, it is not possible to enable this device in any wi-fi enabled spot. These spots must be secured with standards such as wep or WPA.

There are immense benefits one can draw by using the Skype phone devices.

The most obvious advantage of using Skype is the cost of the call made. Skype is able to deliver a 100 percent free of charge phone calls to other Skype devices.The only cost, which the user has to tolerate, is the cost of buying the Skype device.

Another major advantage of Skype is the mobility. Since it uses wireless wi-fi system, it is possible to take the device anywhere within the radius of the network and continue the conversation with other user. Hence it also acts like a mobile phone with the capability of taking the device anywhere without interrupting the voice conversation.

Hence with wi-fi network getting more and more famous these days, the wireless connections are getting spread to more and more areas. With these advances in the field of wireless connection the prospect of Skype is also increasing. Nowadays Skype provide better voice transmission capability through shared wireless network and these days are provided with USB(universal serial bus) charging device so that the phone can recharged by laptops and other PCs. Since this device is based on wifi, like laptops when these devices are switched on they automatically search for any other connection available in the network. These devices have a simple interface having the features like contact list, call history, voicemail, changing your status, adding a contact, searching for a contact, and looking at how much Skype credit you have etc. These devices are definitely much cheaper than using the mobile phones available in the market.Though it may not entirely phase out the mobile phones but it would surely bring in some innovation to the field of communication.

You can also find more info on Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Phone. Topwifireviews.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Wi-Fi Wireless Network Technology.

Can Yoga And Pilates Alone Help You Lose Weight


7 Great Tips To Lose Weight Without Quickly Putting It Back On

Every year millions of people attempt to lose weight. Some do it as part of a New Year's resolution, others for a special occasion like a wedding or school reunion, and some do it simply because they're unhappy with their weight - and have been for years - and want to change the way they look for the better.

Unfortunately, most people who attempt to shed some weight see only a small amount of success, that doesnt last for very long. Others see none at all. So whats going on? Why is losing weight so hard? Why do so many people fail? And, perhaps most importantly, what can you do to make sure you arent just another person who ends up in the tried and failed category of dieters?

The answer lies in two special things: knowledge and application. First you need to know exactly what to do, then youve got to do it. No ifs, not buts and no cutting of corners.

Today is the perfect day to start expanding your knowledge. Once you have your plan in place, which contains every change you need to make and how youre going to make it, youll be ready to begin losing weight. Well start by looking at 7 really powerful weight loss tips. These facts accurately sum up fundamental rules of successful weight loss that every person whos serious about improving their body shape and size should know and remember:

1. Stop Searching For That Special Wonder-Method

If youre one of those people who has put off making a concerted, definite effort to lose weight using tried-and-tested methods, in the hope that youll be able to find and use a simpler, easier approach, you arent alone. Its easy to put things off and blindly wait for a miracle method to come along and do all the hard work for you but you have to realize that its never going to happen. The only way your body is going to be the way you want it to be is if YOU do whats needed to get it that way. Once you accept that fact, youre ready to really begin your journey.

2. Real, Long-Term weight-Loss Is Only Accomplished Through permanent Changes In Your Lifestyle, Not Through Diets

Because diets are temporary, so are the results they bring about. Instead of saying to yourself, Okay, today Im going to start my diet! say, Today Im going to change my lifestyle, and focus on doing just that.

3. Dont Let Your Initial Enthusiasm Overpower Common Sense

Making those first few changes in your lifestyle and getting the ball rolling is great youre fired up and raring to go. But make sure you dont let your surge of enthusiasm overpower your ability to make good decisions. You need to pace yourself and take things one step at a time.

4. Become calorie Aware

To lose weight consistently, at a significant but safe rate, youre going to need to control the number of calories you consume on a daily and weekly basis. That means becoming aware of foods that are very calorific and foods that arent. You dont need to become a nutritionist to do this though. Just get used to looking at food labels and keeping a running total of how many calories you consume throughout the day.

5. Set Near Goals and Far Goals

Its okay to dream about your perfect body and how great it will be once youve got it in fact, its a really positive thing to do. It helps stay you motivated and working hard. However, its important you break your big end goal down into smaller chunks in the form of short-term goals. For example, to lose 2 pounds a week for a month. Or to fit into a certain pair of jeans you used to be able to comfortably wear a few years ago.

6. Dont Starve Yourself Or Completely Avoid Eating Fats

To lose weight and keep it off for more than a few weeks, you need to avoid skipping meals or otherwise starving yourself. Its much better to eat little and often. Break up your three main healthy meals with equally healthy snacks to keep you from getting hungry and hankering after bad foods a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit both do the trick nicely. Also DO NOT avoid all foods that contain fat. Your body needs fat to survive and stay healthy. Just focus on eating healthy fats, such as those found in Omegas 3, 6 and 9 include them in your balanced diet to ensure your weight goes down and STAYS down.

7. Use A Complete Plan That Covers Each Of The Vital Areas Of Body Improvement

If you want to lose weight and generally improve the overall health, fitness and appearance of your body, its no good only making one or two changes to your lifestyle. You need to use an approach that covers each of the necessary areas of improvement: psychology, motivation, goal setting, diet, fitness & exercise, etc. That doesnt mean achieving your ideal physical form is going to be really hard or feel impossible, though. Just that to do it you need a complete approach that covers everything and misses out nothing.

Perfect Body Plan is a brand new e-book that has been designed in a special way. It allows anybody who reads through its pages regardless of what their specific, individual goal is to achieve their perfect body. It only uses tried-and-tested techniques that fuse diet advice, multiple fitness and weightlifting programs that anyone can perform, and psychological guidance that MAKES SURE you achieve your goals. Whether you want to lose weight or gain it, get fit or simply look good naked, Perfect Body Plan has the answers

Check out Preston Skye's full method to help you lose weight now and get the secrets of how to get your perfect body Fast!

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Romanticynicism: Love in the Irony Age

Some people dont feel safe in love unless its complete, absolute, and unconditional. Others (me, for one) only feel safe in love when it isnt. I feel safest when I, and those who love with me, know that love can never be complete, absolute, and unconditional, that unconditional love is only unconditional under certain conditions. If those certain conditions can be relied upon to last a long time, then love can feel unconditional, but it never really is.

This kind of romantic pragmatism can apply not only to loving relationships but to all the things we love. The question we all face is how to love in a world where everything changes; how to embrace life even though you dont get to keep it. For me the answer lies in romanticynicism.

Romanticynicism is a commitment to both the romantics yearning for happily ever after and the cynics detachment and indifference. (Not haughty indifference. Thats a recent addition to what started out as a respected school of Greek philosophy that cultivated neutrality.) Its not a hybrid or blending of the two. Its an extended stretch into both the warm fuzzies of the heart and the cool rationality of the head.

Either romanticism or cynicism alone is dangerous. Romantics are easily hurt. Cynics are readily hurtful. Averaged theyre bland. People who are mildly romantic and mildly cynical are mild. But if you can yoga-stretch yourself into a deep commitment to the romantic and a firm commitment to the cynical, even though the tension imposes some pain and un-resolvability upon yourself, the resulting state is bittersweet, vivid, and true.

The Quakers say, Build to last a hundred years; be ready to leave tomorrow.

The Buddhists say, Though my heart is on fire, my eyes are cold as ashes.

A New york times editor said, Keep an open mind but dont let your brains spill out.

F. Scott Fitzgerald said, The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to act.

Shakespeare ends a dying mans love sonnet to his young lover, This thou perceivest, that makes thy love more strong, to love that well that thou must leave ere long. Stronger love, not weaker. To burn with love while knowing that it too shall pass.

To me, romanticynicism seems the only way to love safely, sanely, and generously. Generously because sometimes the most loving thing to do is to leave someone alone. True love requires a broad repertoire and the pragmatic flexibility to adapt to whats needed. True love cant be achieved with adoration aloneat least not these days.

These days humanity knows more about itself, more about the long view than ever before. Culturally, weve been around the block a few times. Weve seen all kinds of things. Our explanations are becoming more reliable and accurate. And because things are changing faster than ever, theres more evidence that what you love wont hold still for long. Its harder to be a pure romantic these days, believing we can cling to anyone or anything as if it will last forever. Even our sincerest beliefs wont hold still. Our loss of navet makes us conviction-impaired. Were naturally surrendering into the cynical, detached from what will soon disappear anyway.

Yet theres also more reason to be romantic. At least in rich countries, were accustomed to things going well. Our advanced market economy encourages romance, a belief that products, services, and people can make us happy ever after. Weve enjoyed reliable technological progress for long enough that we assume the ideal is forthcomingwhat isnt perfect now will soon be.

More reasons to hope; more reasons to be suspicious of hope. Our technological success has ingrained in us faith and confidence in the potential for happy endings, while our experience gives us more reasons to doubt that the endings we see will be happy.

Being torn between romance and cynicism is bound to feel unstable, but its also an admirably accurate way to interpret what life has to offer. Its like irony, the cultural movement whose motto is, No seriously, Im just kidding. Like irony, romanticynicism can be turned into glib escapism, as though a baldly stated paradox turns every utterance into nonsense. stretching to put a foot in both camps can be a recipe for ungroundedness. But firm footing in both makes for an honest, profound way of life.

Id recommend romanticynicism to anyone, but I suspect that it comes naturally to some of us and not at all to others. Some people simply seem born to either believe or disbelieve. And certainly some circumstances make it harder to be romanticynical than others. I suspect my temperament and circumstances conspire to make romanticynicism the obvious solution.

I know people who also think it is the obvious solution, but dont pursue it because their temperaments wont complypeople who by mid-life recognize the flaws in a purely romantic view of love but just cant help falling and then getting burnt and then falling and getting burnt again. They get sadder but not wiserand they know it but cant figure out what to do about it.

The jurys out on whether we can adapt to the ironic age weve created. Romanticynicism seems the adaptive frame of mind for it, but one that some of us just cant get to from here.

Heres the full Shakespeare sonnet:

Sonnet 73

That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruind choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. In me thou seest the twilight of such day As after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away, Deaths second self, that seals up all in rest.

In me thou seest the glowing of such fire, That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, As the death-bed whereon it must expire, Consumed with that which it was nourishd by. This thou perceivst, which makes thy love more strong, To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

Jeremy Sherman Ph.D. teaches life and social sciences, is executive director of the UC Berkeley Project on Emergent Dynamics, a program to develop a comprehensive theory on how purpose, goal setting and the pursuit of success emerged from a universe governed only by the laws of phyics and chemistry--a program to put goal-seeking behavior in a fully scientific context. Jeremy writes an article a week for the free e-newsletter and podcast "Mind Readers Dictionary: Tips for reading between the lines with greater comprehension."

Jeremy Sherman, Ph.D.
September 01, 2006

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The FM Modulator - Used for Its Convenience, not Quality

The FM modulator or FM transmitter is a device used to play your plug-and-play satellite radio receiver through your vehicles FM stereo. FM transmitters can also be used to play other digital audio devices like iPods, CD and MD players.

Normally second choice to an audio cassette adaptor because of sound quality, the FM modulator is still a very quick and simple way to get your plug-and-play Satellite radio receiver working in your vehicle.

Although sometimes only used if all else fails, the FM modulator at least provides an option for listeners who not audiophiles, want an easy way to hook up their receiver, or simply do not have a built-in cassette player in their vehicle.

Enough degrading these devices; there are probably thousands of Satellite radio listeners out there who will tell you that they experience good reception using an FM modulator. However, there is no doubt about it, an FM modulator, if used, can and will on occasions degrade the quality of audio output from your plug-and-play Satellite radio receiver.

An FM modulator converts the audio signal from the plug-and-play receiver into an FM signal, which is then transmitted over an unused FM frequency or station selected by the listener. The limitations of the FM frequency band mean this in no way represents what the signal actually sounds like.

There are two types of modulator available; wireless and hardwired.

The wireless modulator is built-in to a power adaptor that plugs into the cigarette lighter socket, the docking station or cradle that houses the plug-and-play receiver, or, more recently, the plug-and-play receiver itself. The receivers audio output is transmitted over the air to an unused FM frequency.

The wireless modulator is convenient, easy to install and configure, but broadcasts only a very short-range signal prone to fading and with interference; comparatively weaker compared to a hardwired modulator.

The hardwired modulator is placed in between the vehicles stereo unit and antenna. The modulator connects directly into the stereos FM antenna socket to provide a better frequency response and a signal with less interference that is less lightly to fade.

It is recommended that a hardwired modulator be installed professionally, as it requires a connection to the antenna socket on the rear of the vehicles stereo and to the electrical system, all located behind the dashboard.

The amount of interference, static and fading you experience, using either of these devices, depends on where you are geographically located in the US, quality of the in-built tuner or broadcast and the type of modulator installed in your vehicle.

For example, somebody living in a major metropolitan area, using a wireless modulator, will no doubt experience poor reception along with the frequent and often debilitating interference from other radio stations.

With regard to sound quality, the wireless modulator rests at the bottom of the pile with the hardwired version above it. However, depending on circumstances, hardwired modulators can be as good as cassette adaptors if not better.

For more information please visit: http://www.the-satellite-radio-advisor.com

This article may be freely reproduced so long as the above resource box is included in its entirety.

Jonathan Dalton: admin@the-satellite-radio-advisor.com

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