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Wednesday, April 30, 2008 

Why You Should Buy Reusable Air Filters

Your car's air filter should be changed yearly or approximately once every twelve thousand miles, depending on your manufacturer's recommendations. Unfortunately, disposable air filters are worsening an already big environmental problem: overflowing landfills. Learn what you can do to help the environment as well as achieve some great side benefits by installing reusable air filters in your vehicle.

If you plan on keeping your car for at least 100,000 miles you can count on having to change your air filter from 8 to 10 times. When you buy a new filter the old one must be thrown out and all the packaging from the new filter is tossed as well. Over the life of your vehicle, you are adding a lot of needless trash to landfills.

An alternative to disposable air filters are reusable ones that can be periodically washed, dried, and put back in your car. Priced from 2 to 5 times higher than disposable air filters, in the long run you will get your money back and then some. Indeed, some reusable air filters have a lifespan of 500,000 miles, much longer than what most people will put on their cars.

Reusable air filters are made of materials that allow your car to "breath" more efficiently thereby producing beneficial side effects such as improved fuel economy, increased horsepower, and better torque.

In all, installing reusable air filters make perfect sense. Shop your local retailer or save even more money by shopping online with a reputable auto supply wholesaler.

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