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Sunday, July 13, 2008 

Teaching Hatha Yoga: Designing a Lesson Plan - Part 2

...Whether a yoga class should start from a standing, or seated, position has always been a subject for debate, but both methods are fine; and many yoga teachers do both, depending on the particular lesson plan.

One thing that should not be missing from your yoga class is a warm-up and proper warm-up exercises, which will slowly warm up joints, connective tissue, and muscle tissue. Some yoga teachers might feel that advanced Yoga practitioners do not need to do a detailed warm up, and I totally disagree with this philosophy.

Consider this: Professional athletes, who practice, and train, almost every day, are always instructed to perform warm-up exercises. This is very cautious, but with professional athletes, thousands, or millions, of dollars could be on the line.

Yoga students do not usually have such high stakes involved within the physical performance of their jobs, but each student should be taught with safety guidelines intact. This is why I feel so strongly about the value of a warm-...more

Experiencing Back Pain? Yoga Can Help

...According to a recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, yoga may be more effective for the treatment of low back pain than traditional exercise. The study, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, followed participants who suffered from chronic but not serious back pain. Participants either took yoga classes, attended therapeutic exercise classes, or practiced therapeutic back exercises from a book. At the end of 26 weeks, those who tried the yoga classes experienced the most improvement in back function and were most likely to have reduced their pain medication, and these benefits persisted for at least several months.

Why is Yoga an Effective Way to Treat Back Pain?

There are a number of reasons that yoga is an effective way to relieve back pain and improve the overall health of your back.

1) Yoga helps increase strength in very specific muscle groups and works to streng...more

How to Shift Gears, Change careers, and Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 2

... Monday. You tell all of your students class is canceled, but one on them drives up for a Yoga class on Monday evening, at the usual time.

You have family visiting and explain that there is no Yoga class tonight. Now, you feel uncomfortable because your forgetful Yoga student does not remember it is a holiday, until you tell him or her. Do you think this could never happen? Think again, and you would be surprised how many times you may be on call.

Home businesses have the advantage of no commute, low overhead, and convenience for the Yoga teacher. However, the drawbacks of being expected to teach anytime can make a home bas...more

restorative Yoga for Stress management

...he time and feel the need to rest, but you know you should get some exercise? How can you do both? The answer is to start regularly attending restorative Yoga classes, and reap the rewards of healing without a tremendous amount of effort.

There are many styles of Yoga to choose from. In India, there are nine main styles of Yoga, and Hatha Yoga is just one of them. Hatha Yoga, the union of physical mastery, and its many sub-types, are the most popular in the West.

Among the many Hatha styles of Yoga, are traditional and contemporary types of Yoga. restorative Yoga is classified as a contemporary type of Hatha Yoga. Some might also say that restorative Yoga is an evolutionary form of Hat...more

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