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Tuesday, July 1, 2008 

Do You Really Need Travel Insurance?

...You have probably heard about travel insurance but may not really know what it is or whether you need it. Perhaps a travel agent recommended that you get travel insurance, or maybe it was offered online at a travel web site. Either way you have a decision to make, and we will try to help you understand whether you really need travel insurance or not.

First of all, travel is not cheap. When you add up airfare, hotel reservations, and any other arrangements that you make for a trip, it can be a pretty hefty sum. So if you had to cancel your trip for any reason, you could stand to lose a lot of money. travel insurance was created to help protect you in those cases where your trip becomes canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. Some of the situations that would be covered are perhaps your airline unexpectedly going out of business just before your trip, or maybe you get sick and are unable to travel during the dates you had selected. In both of those cases, if you had purchased travel insurance in advance, your money would be refunded and you would not lose anything.<...more

Tips On Airline travel To Europe With Your Dog

...f a serological rabies test in a certified laboratory. They also require that the blood of the dog should show sufficient antibodies. However, the said tests are no longer necessary for dogs traveling between the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden and Malta.

European authorities are not so stringent when it comes to vaccination requirements for dogs traveling between the European Union. They even allow dogs that are no older than three months to enter any European country without vaccination. However, this only allowed for dogs that have EU Form 998 and have not been in contact with animals that may infest them with any infection.

Pet owners traveling by air to any of the European countries should make sure they comply with the requirements or face the consequences of entering their destination without their pets or going back to where they came from.


Cheap Flights Hotels - A Complete Travel Package

...According to many, arranging a holiday requires a lot of time and planning. Planning a trip requires booking flights, hotels plus deciding how you are going to spend your time once you have reached your destination. The best choice is to browse the Internet for all inclusive holiday packages that makes planning easier, helps you keep expenses under control, and reduces the stress of travel!

You can go ...more

Travel in Portugal

...be a diet staple of locals and tourists alike. However, the consumption of vegetables and other meat is not eliminated. People also need to be aware about currency conversion and other Portuguese travel tips.

When traveling to Portugal, it is advisable to inquire about cultural hotspots and historic landmarks. Travel tips regarding commercial hours, disabled facilities, electrical current, emergency numbers, national holidays, mail services, tariffs, taxation, and museums and art galleries are widely available.<...more

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