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Sunday, June 29, 2008 

What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? - Part 3

...f Tapas, the first word that comes to mind is austerity. This is fine, but Tapas is a way of life, based on fortitude, perseverance, dedication, discipline, and regular Yoga practice, put into action. Tapas will produce results, but may require you to practice Yoga, when it is much easier to eat a chocolate doughnut. one of the biggest problems with the world today is the lack of commitment toward goals.

Swadhyaya: This is taking the time to study sacred scriptures of your specific religion. The answers to all your spiritual questions can be found within them. You do not have to change your religion, but the more you read from your own religions scriptures, the more ways you can learn to appreciate people who practice a different religion.

If you take the time, you will see commonality in the principles of all...more

A "Must Have" Yoga Book

...At last, the mystery of how to pronounce Sanskrit terms properly has been revealed. Have you been looking for an English / Sanskrit cross reference? Are the exact pronunciations of Sanskrit terms still a mystery? Would you like to learn a lot more about Sanskrit as it pertains to Yoga?

You dont have to search anymore. The Language of Yoga is an interactive book and double CD set written by Nicolai Bachman. This interactive course includes more than 200 asanas with illustrated yoga postures and 300 Sanskrit definitions.

In between teaching Yoga classes and writing, I have some time to read, and I was happy that I took the time to read Nicolai Bachmans 139 page...more

How To Use Yoga In Your weight loss For Great Results

... regulates your metabolism is your thyroid. Thyroid is responsible for the chemical processes that transform food into energy. A series of twisting poses are used in Yoga to help you to stimulate the work flow of the internal organs. This will cause your metabolism to increase. This can also burn more calories which will eventually cause you to have a lower body weight. Another side effect is that it will help to improve your circulation and increase your energy level.

Helping to stimulate...more

Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 1)

... estimate of time that I spent on vacuuming, cleaning, and maintenance of the Yoga studio is thousands of hours before I hired someone else to do it. This does not account for any of the time spent on many other duties that go into running a Yoga studio.

The average Yoga student has no idea of the preparation and support services involved before they come to a typical Yoga class. In reality, you want them to feel relaxed, so you dont want your Yoga students to feel stressed out over the bookkeeping, marketing, and maintenance of your Yoga studio.

Therefore, you have to put your best game face on during class time. This is one very powerful reason for taking the time to develop your own personal Yoga practice. You still must expand your depth of understanding Yogas many facets.

Why do, or did, you want to be a Yoga teacher in the first place? The most common reasons for becoming a Yoga teacher are your passion for Yoga and ...more

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