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Monday, June 16, 2008 

Are You Confused With All Of The Golf Instruction Stuff Out There?

... is a way that works for you. Learn how to hold the club better and stand more correct and you will see improvement right away. The golf swing is nothing more than making smooth motion with a golf club and being able to consistently control the club face with the emphasis on control of the club face. If you have control of your club face and can hold the golf club a better way along with a good stance, you can have 'your own style' of swinging the club period and hit the golf ball like the Tour Players.

More simply put, there is No Perfect Golf Swing. The Pros know it and now you do too.

I hope this helps.

Good luck in your search of that not so perfect golf swing!


How To Swing A Golf Club - A Step By Step Golf Swing For Golf Mortals

...Everyone who plays golf knows how to swing a golf club - the obvious problems arise when, having swung, the ball doesn't do what we expected it to do. Perhaps "hoped it would do" is a better term for many of us.

The irritating reality is that not all of us were born with the ability to swing a golf club like the tour pros do. Even if we studied the biomechanics of that sort of swing, most of us proba...more

Golf tournament Gifts Idea For Any Level


Golf Gift Baskets contain goodies that any pro or wannabe would applaud. They actually are a variety of prizes contained within a golf-themed container that include anything from tasty snacks to inspiring books to nifty gadgets related to the sport adored by all present. They truly can be trophies at the golf outing whether given by a corporate organization or a family reunion that will go ...more

Stretching Exercise For Golf: Longer Drives - Better Golf Swing Consistency

...s comfortable and as natural as possible to the body.

The more natural a golf swing feels, the better your golf swing will be and by extension the results will also improve dramatically.

Even after your game shows improvement, it is a good idea to continue with your stretching exercise for golf so as to keep your body and muscles in tip-top condition for golfing and especially the golf swing. Stretching exercises for golf are the real key to improving your golf game.


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