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Friday, August 15, 2008 

Health Benefits of Yoga

...ip strength * EEG - alpha brain waves increase leading to a restful mental state

* brings autonomic nervous system to stable equilibrium

* improves dexterity, reaction time, and depth perception

* increases Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)

Psychological Benefits of yoga

* improves concentration and attention

* decreases anxiety, internal stress and depression

* improves mood and sense of well-being

* increases self-acceptance and self-actualization

* improves learning efficiency and memory

* increases somatic and kinesthetic awareness (body/mind connection)

* decreases aggression and hostility

* increases social skills

* improves depth perceptionmore

With yoga, Getting Slim And Trim Is Now Easier Than Before

...It is no secret that yoga promotes a healthful and balanced lifestyle. When practised together with a calorie burning regime, it may show exceptional results in terms of weight control.

Practicing yoga will also encourage your metabolism, increasing the calorie burning process, but you should not see it as an all-encompassing method. In addition to losing weight you will also experience an increased ability to concentrate and focus, greater resistance to stress factors and an all-round healthier way of living.

Let's get a little technical here. Metabolism is regulated by the thyroid, a factor of the endocrine system...more

Can yoga Boost Immunity To Fight Viral Attacks?

... hurt feeling that he is subjected to by the society and endure the physical pain that he has to undergo during the treatment.

yoga helps one to be self centered. Practising Ujjayi pranayama, Nadi Shodhana, the simple basic techniques of pranayama (breathing exercises) helps one to go deep in to their inner life and gather physical and mental strength to face the viral disease like Hepatitis.

The fifth chakra exercise - Dog Breath - the most powerful exercise of all the kundal...more

How Does yoga Reduce Your Stress?

...nd generates an overall feeling of well being.

yoga resting poses help to release abdominal tension, allowing improved digestive functions. The yoga resting poses also allow the body to enter into a relaxed calm state, which is free from the fight or flight stress, which also helps the body to rejuvenate itself. yoga also helps create focus, which allows our mind to relax and clear negative thoughts.

For those who just now discovering yoga, it truly is the best exercise method that not only increases your bodys strength, but will reduce your stress levels and improve your mental health.


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