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Tuesday, March 11, 2008 

7 Great Tips To Lose Weight Without Quickly Putting It Back On

Every year millions of people attempt to lose weight. Some do it as part of a New Year's resolution, others for a special occasion like a wedding or school reunion, and some do it simply because they're unhappy with their weight - and have been for years - and want to change the way they look for the better.

Unfortunately, most people who attempt to shed some weight see only a small amount of success, that doesnt last for very long. Others see none at all. So whats going on? Why is losing weight so hard? Why do so many people fail? And, perhaps most importantly, what can you do to make sure you arent just another person who ends up in the tried and failed category of dieters?

The answer lies in two special things: knowledge and application. First you need to know exactly what to do, then youve got to do it. No ifs, not buts and no cutting of corners.

Today is the perfect day to start expanding your knowledge. Once you have your plan in place, which contains every change you need to make and how youre going to make it, youll be ready to begin losing weight. Well start by looking at 7 really powerful weight loss tips. These facts accurately sum up fundamental rules of successful weight loss that every person whos serious about improving their body shape and size should know and remember:

1. Stop Searching For That Special Wonder-Method

If youre one of those people who has put off making a concerted, definite effort to lose weight using tried-and-tested methods, in the hope that youll be able to find and use a simpler, easier approach, you arent alone. Its easy to put things off and blindly wait for a miracle method to come along and do all the hard work for you but you have to realize that its never going to happen. The only way your body is going to be the way you want it to be is if YOU do whats needed to get it that way. Once you accept that fact, youre ready to really begin your journey.

2. Real, Long-Term weight-Loss Is Only Accomplished Through permanent Changes In Your Lifestyle, Not Through Diets

Because diets are temporary, so are the results they bring about. Instead of saying to yourself, Okay, today Im going to start my diet! say, Today Im going to change my lifestyle, and focus on doing just that.

3. Dont Let Your Initial Enthusiasm Overpower Common Sense

Making those first few changes in your lifestyle and getting the ball rolling is great youre fired up and raring to go. But make sure you dont let your surge of enthusiasm overpower your ability to make good decisions. You need to pace yourself and take things one step at a time.

4. Become calorie Aware

To lose weight consistently, at a significant but safe rate, youre going to need to control the number of calories you consume on a daily and weekly basis. That means becoming aware of foods that are very calorific and foods that arent. You dont need to become a nutritionist to do this though. Just get used to looking at food labels and keeping a running total of how many calories you consume throughout the day.

5. Set Near Goals and Far Goals

Its okay to dream about your perfect body and how great it will be once youve got it in fact, its a really positive thing to do. It helps stay you motivated and working hard. However, its important you break your big end goal down into smaller chunks in the form of short-term goals. For example, to lose 2 pounds a week for a month. Or to fit into a certain pair of jeans you used to be able to comfortably wear a few years ago.

6. Dont Starve Yourself Or Completely Avoid Eating Fats

To lose weight and keep it off for more than a few weeks, you need to avoid skipping meals or otherwise starving yourself. Its much better to eat little and often. Break up your three main healthy meals with equally healthy snacks to keep you from getting hungry and hankering after bad foods a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit both do the trick nicely. Also DO NOT avoid all foods that contain fat. Your body needs fat to survive and stay healthy. Just focus on eating healthy fats, such as those found in Omegas 3, 6 and 9 include them in your balanced diet to ensure your weight goes down and STAYS down.

7. Use A Complete Plan That Covers Each Of The Vital Areas Of Body Improvement

If you want to lose weight and generally improve the overall health, fitness and appearance of your body, its no good only making one or two changes to your lifestyle. You need to use an approach that covers each of the necessary areas of improvement: psychology, motivation, goal setting, diet, fitness & exercise, etc. That doesnt mean achieving your ideal physical form is going to be really hard or feel impossible, though. Just that to do it you need a complete approach that covers everything and misses out nothing.

Perfect Body Plan is a brand new e-book that has been designed in a special way. It allows anybody who reads through its pages regardless of what their specific, individual goal is to achieve their perfect body. It only uses tried-and-tested techniques that fuse diet advice, multiple fitness and weightlifting programs that anyone can perform, and psychological guidance that MAKES SURE you achieve your goals. Whether you want to lose weight or gain it, get fit or simply look good naked, Perfect Body Plan has the answers

Check out Preston Skye's full method to help you lose weight now and get the secrets of how to get your perfect body Fast!

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