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Friday, January 18, 2008 

Heartburn & Heart Attack Are Not One And The Same - But Cure Them Naturally

In recent years, heart disease has become the leading cause of death and disability in the world. This is despite the tremendous advances in diagnosis and treatment. surgery and drugs are temporary aids and are not adequate to treat all the risk factors that cause heart disease.

heart ailments are now affecting people in younger age groups. The biggest reason is changing lifestyles, high stress, inadequate nutrition, sedentary habits, increased use of tobacco and alcohol, at a younger age. But this can be prevented and perhaps reversed with proper diet and exercise.

Foods To Avoid:

1. Saturated fats red meat, dairy (butter, full fat milk, cream, cheese), poultry and eggs.

2. Foods that have omega-6 polyunsaturated oils like corn, sunflower and safflower. Trans-fats found in margarine, processed foods and baked flour products.

3. All foods that contain sugar and are rich in calories breads, rolls, muffins, cookies, cakes, chips and soft drinks.

Foods To Include:

1.A plant-based diet boosts the immune system. Include a wide assortment of vegetables broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, greens, pumpkin, sprouts, onion, garlic, and fruits (berries, grapes, plums, citrus, apple, pineapple, banana and papaya).

2.Include food rich in vitamins and minerals almonds, walnuts seafood, and whole grains. These are rich in vitamin E, omega-3 fats and contain selenium as well as dietary fibre.


Can include walking, stretching, yoga, and some gentle noncompetitive games. You do not have to walk fast or far, to gain enormous benefits. Moderate exercise for 30 minutes preferable every day or every alternate day, at a comfortable pace will make your immune system stronger and protect against build up of blockages in the arteries. Even a yoga for half an hour could be more useful.

Whatever may be the practices the diet is to be regulated. It is the balanced diet which is helpful to stay away from the heart attack and heart burn.

The author Cher K Markov is not a medical professional and offers this information for educational purposes only. However, one can find more articles on Heartburn Cure and access other Heartburn Cure Treatment at her website.

Integral Yoga Teacher Training Certification Satchidananda

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