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Sunday, March 2, 2008 

Xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix - Is There A Xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix? Find Out Here

If you are another person that has been suffering with the dreaded three red lights on your xbox 360 then no doubt you will be looking for a xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix. I have written this article to provide you info on the possible xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix that are out there.

The first way you could get a xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix is obviously send in the console for repair but this can take a long time and you may just encounter the same problem again in the future.

If your console is still in warranty that means that you would not have to pay for the repaid and is probably the best thing to try before you start searching for a xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix.

If you are still determined to find a fix then here are a few things that may help:

Firstly make sure that your xbox 360 is well ventilated as the machine does crunch a lot of numbers and therefore gets very hot! A lot of the problems that people run into in the first place with the xbox 360 could have been solved if they did not allow the machine to overheat.

The second thing you could do as a xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix is to get a hair dryer and put it on a COLD setting and use the hair dryer to blow in the vents at the side of the xbox 360.

Also this sounds silly at first it can move any dust on the motherboard that may have built up, because as mentioned above it runs at a hot speed and therefore does attract a lot of dust. Make sure you put the hair dryer on a cold setting first!

If the suggestions above do not provide a xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix then you may have to get the console repaired as the three red lights can mean a hardware error!

I hope this article has helped you find a xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix and wish you all the luck with fixing your system!

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