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Saturday, March 1, 2008 

What is Hoodia Gordonii

What is hoodia Gordonii? Have you been watching T.V. lately and seen stories about hoodia Gordonii? Apparently this is the latest dieting craze to hit the nation. But you might be wondering not only how to pronounce such a gem, but what is it? Well, I was wondering the same thing and thought I would research it and deliver you the goods.

Well, hoodia gordonii is first and foremost a plant or succulent. It appears to look like a cactus, but it is not. It is found only in the semi-deserts of south Africa. Imagine that, another exotic plant with a hard to pronounce name with fat fighting properties.

Acutally, hoodia gordonii doesnt fight fat, it staves off hunger. It was used by tribal huntsmen to curb their appetite when they went on their legendary hunting trips. Ladiesdo you know of anyone like that? Possibly the crotchety old man sitting in your living room right now with the beer in one hand and the remote in the other?

One nice thing about it is it is entirely natural. hoodia Gordonii is not a drug unlike some of the other products on the market. hoodia tricks your brain into thinking you have eaten and therefore you feel full. Nice huh?!

Personally, I havent tested it yet, but from what I hear and see it appears to be one of the few legitimate weight loss supplements out there. Try it for yourself, if it works, let me know. I would love to add your testimonial to my blog!

As a result of the changes in my life, I have become an avid health and nutrition nut! My profession is definitely outside the realm of health and fitness, but I am now promoting them. For more information regarding health and nutrition please check out http://www.provenweightlossreviews.blogspot.com

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