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Wednesday, November 21, 2007 

Mobilize Your Web Site

Mobilize Your site
With technology taking leaps and bounds day by day, it is essential for growing businesses to stay up to date with the efforts of the expanding market.

Just as the everyday user understands how to use their high tech cell phone, another appears on the market with more features than the first. The future can be seen through our inevitable cell phone marketing machine. cell phones have the ability to combine the advancements of technology into one device. From another angle, many successful companies have directed their marketing to the world wide web of advertising. Having a website is an easy way to direct customers to the overview of what a company has to offer.

The problem
now the question is... How can the success of the web be accessed to the cellular world? Many cellular carriers already offer this feature for their customers on their mobile devices; however, there are a few kinks.

The speed of the web on a cellular phone cannot be compared to the high speed you receive on your PC at home, but this is going to be a temporary issue. Another problem is that sites have become so graphically dependant which makes it hard to view the entire site via cell phone.

The answer
Mobilize your site! This new feature for websites will make them appear more easily onto a targeting cell phone. mobile or mobi sites will enable users to easily navigate throughout a website which is especially designed to be viewed using a cell phone. Less time is spent waiting for the site to load, and more time is available for the user to browse the site. This also will save on bites transferred or downloaded which can build up quickly on a wireless bill.

mobile Web site features

Mobi sites are not just a way to cut out things and simplify a website. There are special features and programs embedded that allow the normal features that appear on websites to be mobilized.

  1. The Custom form Wizard allows users to input information which can be sent directly to the business they are browsing. contact information or even a question can be sent in the form of an email directly to the business contact.
  2. Businesses can Receive Payments via mobile. Users can input information using their mobile phones and a payment can be made directly to the business.
  3. A Hit counter is also available on these mobile sites, which keeps a count of how many mobile visitors a business has had.
  4. Just like on a normal website, businesses can add audio & video Clips to their mobile sites. These mobile video and audio clips will not slow loading times as a normal website would do if accessed on a cellular phone.
  5. accessing Driving Directions is a useful feature which is offered on mobile sites as well. While visiting a mobile site, the user will have the option to get directions to the business from wherever they currently are located.
  6. The Last Modified Date/Time Stamp will let visitors know when the site was last updated. This feature lets searchers know that your business undergoes routine maintenance and updates.
  7. The Tell a Friend link will allow a user to email the link to a friend letting them know about the mobile site.
  8. The Click-to-call feature allows a user to directly call the business. While looking at the mobile site, a user will have the option to call the business directly from their phone without losing their place on the site.
  9. Google Searches can also be performed from a mobile site, giving users the option to look up related items on the web.
  10. The add to phone book option is also available. This feature allows cell phone users to add a companys number found on their mobile site directly to their address book in their cell hone.

Veronica Coulston is assistant web master for Roe Graphics web design firm in Jackson, tennessee.

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