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Saturday, November 17, 2007 

Internet Phone Lines - Why They Are So Popular

It should come as no surprise that with our reliance on the personal computer, high-speed internet and cable TV, that eventually telephone services would take advantage of the same technology. And, of course, this is exactly what's happened over the last 10 years or so. The major cable companies and also independent internet phone companies are now providing internet phone line services that can cut your costs while providing you with all the same features and benefits as a traditional landline.

By bundling an internet phone line with your cable and your internet service, you also have other benefits. For example, you don't need to buy new equipment. Your standard telephone can be connected to the same internet connection at your PC is connected to. Once you've made the initial installation, you probably won't notice any difference in how you use your phone from day to day.

internet phone lines are also better suited to the modern work- and life-style. If you are like a lot of people, you are accustomed to working at PC for long stretches of time. internet phone lines make it possible to use a headset and a software program that allows you to use your computer to make your phone calls. So if you are at your keyboard all day and if phone calling is a part of your schedule, this would be a way to consolidate those activities and save some money. In other words, you can still do your job online, and handle business phone calls as they occur.

internet phones lines also take advantage in the advent of packet switching technology. In the old days, a single phone conversation would go out over a copper wire. It utilized what we call circuit switching -- not very efficient because it wasted a lot of capacity. Nowadays, high-speed fiber optic cable has replaced copper phone lines, and many phone calls can be carried on the same wire through the advent of packet switching technologies.

In fact, many kinds data communications can occur along with the voice conversations. cable TV signals, internet browsing, e-mail, phone calls, all can be handled over the abundant capacity that we have now. It's simply more efficient, more cost effective, than the older technology -- and the cost savings that can be passed on to the consumer.

Ultimately, all phone calls will be made using internet technology. It's a more efficient way to use of the communications infrastructure that we already have in such abundance.

Ara Rubyan is not a part of the voip industry, nor does he sell voip services, nor does he pretend to be a guru of any kind. Instead, he is like you: a consumer, a business owner, and someone who has been researching the industry so that he could make an informed decision about the best voip service for his needs. now, he's put all his research (so far) in one convenient location and he's sharing it with you, no strings attached.

For more info on Internet phone lines, visit Ara Rubyan's voip solution.

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