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Tuesday, April 1, 2008 

Golf Swing Teaching Aids

If you are extremely serious about playing the game of golf then at some stage you have used some different golf swing teaching aids in order to help improve your game and so help you to get more out of it. You could be someone who has get every book that is now available on the subject or you might be someone who has decided to invest a lot of money in by high tech gadgetry in order for you to improve your swing.

But unfortunately what teaching aid works for one person may not well work for you and vice versa. also what seems quite obvious is that some of the golf swing teaching aids you see today have become extremely complicated and also expensive. There are cases where a person is likely to spend more than a $1,000 on ways of trying to improve their swing and still have not seen any improvement in relation to their golf score. Below we provide some useful teaching aids that you may want to consider purchasing and all for less than $100. The best thing about these particular aids is that they can be used in the comfort of your own home (or your office) as long as you have plenty of ceiling height.

Freddy Connect
This aid has been specifically designed to help a golf player reduce the amount of slice or hook that they put into a shot. This very simple device can be attached to any of your golf clubs at the base of the shaft but just above the head. When you swing your club there are two lights on the device which then light up. If when you swing your club you can see only one light then you are swinging the club straight. But if you can see both lights (separately) then you have not swung it straight and the ball when hit will be either sliced or hooked away from you.

Hinged golf Club
This is a kind of all in one teaching aid. When you use this particular club and your swing is flawed in any way then this causes the hinge on the club to break. Probably the quickest way for a person to tell when they are making a mistake when it comes to the way in which they are swinging their club. This particular golf swing teaching aid is an effective way for any golf player to improve their swing. As not only does it help to improve muscle memory but after around 4 or 5 intact swings with it you will soon see how you swinging the club perfectly.

Weighted golf Club
This particular kind of golf swing teaching aids is designed specifically to target all those muscles that are used in the body when swinging a golf club. This particular aid not only helps to improve the distance at which the ball is driven but also helps the player to improve the amount of power that they put into each golf swing. With this particular device you will know where the club head is relation to your body at all times and so help you to produce much stronger and accurate drives in the future.

Click here now for FREE ACCESS to our unique golf swing teaching aids that will have you hitting the ball more consistently within 30 minutes.

You're about to learn the simple secret that will lengthen your drive & cut your handicap by 7-12 strokes in just 2 weeks (or less)...

Click here for free tips on how to improve your Golf Swing now!

Yoga Cl Minneapolis

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