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Friday, March 14, 2008 

Xbox 360 Three Red Lights Error - Learn How To Fix It

If you have experienced the xbox 360 three red lights error do not worry. You can stop spanking your console trying to get it to work. That is likely to cause more components to become loose. Loose components what are you talking about?

Let me explain, You see the main reason for receiving the xbox 360 three red lights error is overheating. For example consoles enclosed inside entertainment centers can be restricted from airflow. You have to let that puppy breath!

That is why they sell after market coolers to fit on the back of the xbox 360 because overheating is a big problem, but sometimes coolers are a waist of money and could even cause more problems. Another reason you may receive the xbox 360 three red light error is the GPU (General Processing Unit) becoming very hot. The special coating they put on the GPU could be the cause of this.

The extra heating of electrical components causes the motherboard to flex. When this happens soldering to become loose. The lead free solder used in most of today's electronics is is not as strong as the tin solder used in the past. That is why I say you should not spank your console, components may be already loose.

The problems I just described may or may not be the reason you receive the xbox 360 three red lights error, but those are the most common problems xbox 360 owners have been experiencing.

I hope this information was useful to you. Remember air is your friend!

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