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Saturday, March 22, 2008 

3 Must Have Accessories For Your Nintendo Wii

Aside of developing in gaming consoles, there has been also a lot of evolutions made where gaming add-ons are concerned. They are taking gaming to totally new levels to enjoy the players.

The cheapest game console you can buy today is the nintendo Wii. It takes usage of new and exciting technology, and is a product the whole family will enjoy. The company hopes that the Wii helps to keep up its market presence, as well as add new usage and enjoys to those game lovers that purchase it. The nintendo Wii comes with its own must have set of add-ons. The details of 3 of them are listed below:

#1 Wii remote

It is a one handed, user friendly remote control, which is sensitive to pointing and movements, at an inexpensive price of $39.99. This remote has inbuilt wireless functions and works by using a short range Bluetooth radio. It is possible to use a maximum of 4 controllers at a maximum distance of 5 meters from the sensor bar. The remote is multifunctional and allows bimanual use as well. The design of this add-on is such that experienced players will be able to hold a remote in each hand or a Nunchuk in one and a remote in the other hand. Because of its advance technology the remote can sense movement and orientation, also being able to identify linear motion along three axes, determining the direction by the optical sensor.

#2 The Nunchuk

The Nunchuk is low priced at about $19.99. This add-on you can plug into the Wii remote. It comes with an analog 2 button stick. This is most beneficial when playing such games as Red Steel or The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The movement sensors of this add-on allows gamers to execute particular character actions such as a spinning slash attack. According to reports, this add-on is attending to become the most favorite and for certain that one the gamers "must have".

#3 The Classic controller

Another accessory for the Wii is the classic controller offered at an affordable price of $19.99. You can use this classic style expansion controller at the same time as the Wii remote permitting you to play traditional games with a usual gaming pad. It allows you playing virtual console games, multiplatform games, as well as existing games. Through a cord you can connect the classic controller to the Wii remote.

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