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Wednesday, January 30, 2008 

Free Golf Lessons - What a Cheek!

Free golf lessons. Get outta here!

How many of us would have the cheek to approach a world leading golf coach and ask him for a free golf lesson?

not many, I suspect.

Well it turns out that the idea is not so far fetched after all - that is if you don't expect a belly to belly consultation with a guru of the game such as Steve Bann, Coach to Stuart Appleby and KJ Choi.

But, that does not mean you have to lower your expectations. If the objective is to really improve your game, as opposed to having a chit chat with the man and allowing him to witness you belt out an embarrassing bucket of balls, then the answer may lie with this one.

Bann takes the golfer through a pretty insightful little 10 question online quiz, you hit the submit button (probably not expecting very much!) and lo and behold your golf game gets sliced and diced before your very eyes. Out pops a personalized analysis that sends a shiver down the spine.

Was he really sitting behind my screen in cyberspace, ready to pounce with all this wisdom on how I can get my game on track?

Surely it wasn't that obvious that I am a 27 handicapper hack, afraid to own up to a pot belly and an old set of Pings - the ugly ones - remember the baby boomer sticks with the huge heads. Did he notice that I was decked out in my crocodile PJs when I took the lesson? Oh Dear, I should have been more careful. this virtual reality stuff is getting scary!

Anyhow, Steve Bann may be a golf guru but he has no right to get that insightful with something as personal to me as my golf game.

Aidan Montague used to play golf. He therefore considers himself an authority on the subject.

But, rather than listen to what Aidan has to say it would be wise to get a free golf lesson from a real expert on the subject - someone like Steve Bann, Coach to pga tour players, Stuart Appleby and KJ Choi

You can do just that at http://www.freegolflessononline.com

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