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Thursday, January 10, 2008 

A Comfortable State of Mind and Body

yoga Guru Patanjali has defined yoga as a steady and comfortable state of Mind and Body. And, a comfortable and steady state of body and mind is precisely what practising yoga delivers. Other forms of exercise increase the strain on body muscles, as well as, the requirement for blood and oxygen. But, yoga asanas or postures not only lessen the need, decreasing the strain on them, they also cause every muscle in the body to relax. Similarly, the bodys requirement for blood and oxygen goes down, reducing the strain on the mind and making it stable and focused.

Furthermore, the twists and stretched yoga asanas or postures compel the organs of the body, such as, the endocrine glands, the digestive, heart and other organs to function in an improved manner. And, all this can be achieved with even the most simple of yoga asanas!

Practised in india for centuries, this ancient practice is elaborated in great detail in sub-continental historical treatises and texts! As in everything else, india is beginning to show the world how to heal the mind and body, without resorting to the swallowing of heavy doses of poisonous chemicals in the guise of medicine, or expensive surgery and psychiatric treatment. Prevention is better than cure, and practicing yoga not only prevents an individual from falling sick, it also helps to recover a healthy state of mind and body! Furthermore, the twists and stretched yoga asanas or postures compel the organs of the body, such as, the endocrine glands, the digestive, heart and other organs to function in an improved manner.

Yogabestseller.com is your one stop place for all Yoga Accessories! Get massive range of Yoga books, Yoga mats, Yoga audiotapes at unbeatable prices! Buy yoga books, yoga blocks, yoga Straps, yoga meditation mats, foam blocks and many other yoga products at reasonable rates. Visit http://www.yogabestseller.com

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