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Saturday, April 19, 2008 

Pranayama : Ujjayi Breathing

Pranayama Yogic Breathing Ujjayi

Ujjayi breathing is one of the main varieties of pranayama and is sometimes referred to as the Victorious breath. It can be used at any time, being particularly powerful during asanas to enhance your stretch and concentration and increase your energy levels. Ujjayi breathing is easy to learn and can benefit the body by increasing the flow of prana (life force); oxygenating and purifying the blood; clearing phlegm; increasing the flexibility and strength of the thoracic area; improving digestion; toning the nervous system; and as the thoracic area strengthens, building self-confidence.

Bear in mind that you will be partly closing the epiglottis. This will allow the air to enter the windpipe more slowly and you will notice a particular feeling and a distinctive sound which accompany this. Making this sound will focus your awareness on your breath and allow you to dwell in the moment.

Start is by sitting in a comfortable position, checking that the spine is vertical. Allow the hands to rest comfortably in the lap. Relax.

Exhale fully through the nose. Inhale, and as you exhale, partially open your mouth and allow a gentle ha sounds to escape. It sounds much like the breathing Darth Vada favours. You will notice the sensation of the air vibrating in the back of your throat. Allow the inhalation to come comfortably into the lungs, but not overfilling them. Once you have understand the principle, close your mouth so that the air is moving in and out through your nostrils, with the sound and vibration continuing on both the inhalation and exhalation. Allow the breath to be long, deep and relaxing.

Avoid trying too hard. By letting go, relaxing the shoulders, softening the mouth and allowing the ujjayi breath to happen with minimum effort, you will succeed. With practice you will be able to enjoy the rhythm of the ujjayi breath and your lungs and diaphragm will strengthen as they work with the narrowing of the throat. Your energy levels will increase whilst still retaining a sense of centredness and emotional balance.

Beryl Whiting is an experienced and qualified Yoga Instructor offering Hatha Yoga classes in the South Beds and Milton Keynes area of the UK. Beryl's teaching style encourages her students to enhance the awakening of an awareness of what is happening in their mind and body. She is particularly noted for her soothing voice and relaxation sessions. A Relaxation CD is available from her webblog at http://www.yoga4healthyliving.com. This webblog is full of ideas of practical ways to develop and maintain a sense of emotional and physical well being.

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